What class fits best each race? (no duplicates allowed)

Hey guys, a bit of a challenge and hoping to make a good discussion here.

Rules in short: What do you think fits best (lorewise) for each race to be coupled with a class. The trick is, you cannot duplicate classes or race. There are exactly 12 playable races on each factions and currently there are exactly 12 classes.

Also if you could add a bit of justification on why you make that choice it would be great.

Below are my choices (I’m not claiming to e nowhere near exptert in the WoW lore).

Human Death Knight, any spec - most of the DKs in the lore are humans and I think it fits best

Dwarf Shaman, best fit should be Enhancement - I think that’s the best choice on alliance side, I know Draenei are also close to shamanism, but they make, sense to be priests and paladins. Dwarves can be a ton of things like warriors as their race leaders are, even paladins for the close connections with the humnas, hunters (Nesingwary) and so on and so forth but in this game I think the dwarves will be shamans for me,

Night Elf Demon Hunter, any spec? because no other race can be DH, but if I have to pick another class, that would definitely be druid for obvious reasons

Gnome Mage, Arcane maybe? as gnomes don’t really have a specific class in the game that is really assiciated to their nature, they could be great rogues due to the small size, but also their leaders are not really known to have a specific class (as there is not robot-riding class… yet), or engineer, inventor or similar. I pick Mage due to their intellect and Millhouse Manastorm.

Drainei & Lightforged Draenei I choose to be a Priest and Paladin since they are the race closest to the na’aru and the light. Even though there are humans, also dwarves who are suitable my opinion is these guys are priest and paladin first choice.

Worgen Fury Warrior is something that wasn’t an eaasy pick for me since worgens, as ex-humans, can be pretty much everything. Rogues as they are prey stalkers by nature, hunters just because they are hunters, however when i look at Graymane I see more of a warrior than a rogue and that’s probably what made me go in that direction and ofcourse their strenght, swiftness and ferocity as well.

Pandaren Monk I don’t really have much to say here. xD

Void Elf Marksmanship Hunter probably influenced by Alleria. They could also be a rogue (shadowblade), shadow priest (the Void), mage (as all elves) but I think that it will make a great snipers out of them so my choice for the Void Elf is that.

Dark Iron Dwarf Destruction Warlock. Since they don’t have the fame of being an honourable society I was wondering between warlock and rogue, but I pick warlock, it makes sense to me as for someone who is pracicing the dark magic beneath the earth and being close to the fire. The fact that they are good miners does not fit at all, but… that’s part of the challenge not to duplicate a race or class.

Kul Tiran Druid, because the other druids are occupied with other classes. I did some research and played a bit more carefully in Drustvar but in general it seems they fit the druid role even though it is a bit different from the classic druid we are used to see. I mean the look more like kind of witches, rather than druids but still. They also fit gret the Outlaw Rogue profile, maybe Resto Shaman, because of their connection with the water and their priest-shaman mixed spiritual people.

Mechagnome Rogue because they are smol, because they can use gadgets to kill, because they can use the technology to be more efficient since assasinations require efficiency… I think (never been assasin).


Orc Windwalker Monk, just because it would be boring to pick the pandas to be monks on the horde side as well and because I also stubled upon a pretty intresting youtube video recently withthe theory that says the Blademasters are actually quite close to what the Windwalkers are (if you remember the blademaster dude from Warcraft 3)

Tauren & Highmountain will be Druid and Shaman in my list, because who is closer to nature than these guys, come on and also they have an extra form of being a cow/bull on top of all of the rest (it’s like a one man zoo). My other choices for them were Hunter and Warrior but I believe that the Earth Mother calls them to be druid and shaman.

Troll Hunter because they are good with ranged weapons like bows and spears and because the shamans are already given to the cow guys.

Undead Warlock because they can really go in depth in the dark matters without being hurt. They are already dead and led by a Sylvannas, how it can go any worse than that? I bet I surprised you with that choice.

Blood Elf Demon Hunter, again, noone else can be DH, but if they could be anything else I would pick mage beucase of their affinity to magic in general.

Goblin Rogue because “Pro. Fit. Separetely and together.” cannot match better any other class.

Mag’har Orc Warrior because I’ve read and watched for hours for their clans and it seems they are mostly, warriors, shamans and hunters and since we already have other races that fill the shamanistic and hunting responsibilities I will leave the Mag’har to be my warriors here.

Nighborne Arcane Mage is something pretty self-explanatory. They are dying of hunger for magic.

…ok, a disclaimer, now it gets really weird but I couldn’t fit it better…

Zandalari Paladin and I know that they can be other classes that will suit them great but I could not match the paladin in any other race better. Just don’t tell me for anyone it makes sense for the Tauren to be paladins at all and the Blood Elves are Demon Hunters. They have priests, which are effectively paladins without the armor so I picked them to be a paladin in my selection.

Vulpera Priest (and maybe here you will laugh) as I imagine a little fox-looking humanoind dressed in a robe, walking with s stick and preaching a religioys words in the desert. Something like Moses. xD

Pandaren… Death Knight… xD - just beucase I really cannot figure out what rotation with the rest I should do make it make sense…

What are your choices guys, can you also help me make more sense on the Horde side?


This is quite difficult one ,mainly paladin is problematic since blood elf must be DH
Mulgore Tauren - druid
Highmountain Tauren - hunter (Huln the hero of first war )
Nightborne - mage
Maghar orc - warrior
Green orc - warlock
Zandalar - priest (fits central American theme )
Undead - dk
Goblin - rogue
Darkspear troll - shaman
Panda - Monk
Vulpera -to be sent to alliance
And now we are in paladin problem :thinking:

Btw: Thank you for creating legit thread !

You put Dwarves as anything other than a hunter? wtf
Haven’t you ever watched the WoW vanilla trailer? :stuck_out_tongue:


Meh… I give up. Humans should be paladins. Lot of major lore paladins are humans. Then came around LFDraenei who are too narrow. Thus draeneis would take priest and paladin roles, but I want to give paladin to humans.

THen who will take death knight? As I ended up filling roles, I found gnomes at the end and DK not assigned. Humans gotta be paladins.

Too much thinking for a “forum game” so I give up! *table flip *

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