Obviously a caster of some sort.
I’d say affliction warlock.
Obviously a caster of some sort.
I’d say affliction warlock.
I 100% fit this title
warlock definitely
“Warlock” comes from the old english “waerloga”, meaning “oathbreaker”. In middle Scot the term was used as a male equivalent to witch, as in he broke his baptem oath to God in order to serve the devil for power, this term then slowly moved into english litterature as although originally “witch” was used for both male and female the XIXth century gothic vague recodified witches into the form we know them today, old evil hags, following trends from the Renaissance rather than the medieval ones which meant a term like warlock was needed to describe a male practicionner of black magic.
Coincidently back in the early days of WoW the warlock class identity was pretty much just that: a practionner of undefined dark magics. This was before the strict categorising of the primal forces of the universe we know today like Fel, Void, Light etc… Which explains why warlock actually have so much stuff that can seem out of place from our modern perspective, like plagues and diseases that are more of a necromancer’s shtick, shadow based spells, and even up to not too long ago demon hunters’ metamorphosis.
So basically yes, warlock it is. Although it doesn’t have to be affliction, summoning and dealing with demons was one of the most common accusations against witches during trials so demonology also fits the bill pretty well.
10 chars
Shadow priest I’d say
(Disclaimer: I might be biased since this character is a witch. :P)
I feel like Affliction Warlock and Shadow Priest are probably the best choices, but I would also recommend picking up Alchemy and possibly Herbalism. Witches’ cauldrons are a fairly common thing in fairy tales and other media from what I remember, and knowing herb lore fits into my idea of traditional witches at least.
As for the class choices, any Warlock is fine, but I feel like painful curses à la Affliction fit the image of a sinister/spooky witch the best. This is also why Shadow Priest might be good, and healing spells like Shadow Mend also go well with the sinister feel, I think. Fadeclaws’ comment about Demonology spec and consorting with demons is a good one too, though.
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