What class for a Mechagnome?

only if you pay for a race change I am affraid.


Ok, that make sense, mechanognome will be a new race… Thanks :blush:

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They’re really not though. They’re more like extra customization for an already existing race locked behind both a tedious grind AND the inevitable race swap/character boost most people are going to purchase.

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Oh! Nothing new under the sun then… :roll_eyes:

Me on patch day.


could argue that lots of the allied races should be, but that is for an other topic hehe.

I’m rolling a rogue for mine.

Tinkerer… Oh right proceeds to weep in a corner.

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Hunter… Pick a Gun, Mechapet and Engineering. You know what Engineering is doing in addition to fancy quality of life items? GUNS!


hahahahaha mecha monk… ‘zen’ for them mans probably whacking someone with gadgets.

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