What class for

I never change my main, my Blood Elf Paladin will be the first one to enter the Shadowlands.

My Alliance Demon Hunter alt will be the second one and after that I’m not so sure.

I can add that I am quite tempted to create a new Death Knight if the starter zone has changed.

Oh the choices.
What covenant?
Can i change covenant?
What class for each covenant?
Are each covenant friend or foe with each other?

Bfa was great for my mage and hunter, but dk and rogue has been with me since the beginning. And i love my dh.
Oh the choices… i need more to go on before i can pick :smiley:.

Disc priest. I beg you Blizzard do not rework our spec.

Going in with my druid & shaman as i always do first. Then i might walk with a horde alt and see things

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