What class is the strongest lore-wise?

Warlocks are stronger than mages. They have the same kit and more.

I’m still waiting on the “how powerful are Evokers?” YT video release from Doron.


The most powerful characters in WoW lore have been Magi - Aegwynn, Medivh, Khadgar - followed closely by druids. Though Malfurion is the only one really exemplifying that.
Both these classes can unleash incredible destruction, are very versatile and hard to catch and can summon a variety of powerful allies.

Followed I think by shaman, who are less flexible but can still command oceans, firestorms, the wind and weather and the earth itself.

What’s a Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Evoker, Paladin or whatever else going to do against a tidal wave or an earthquake? What’re they going to do against arcane magic or nature magic?

It’s the ol’ DnD reality. If they can get close, maybe they can do something. But they never will.

I might type it out in more detail but like… evokers and drakthyr have no lore. They’re a void of writing and their race-quests are some of the most embarrassing pieces of writing I’ve seen. They reveal nothing we didn’t already know from the character creation hovering over drakthyr.

  • Created by Neltharian as weapons
  • ‘Powers of all the flights’ but this doesn’t say or mean much. They don’t seem that powerful.
  • Durability and longevity because of dragon’s traits
  • Can fly

Culture? Powers? Martial ability? Breath weapon actual power? Social structure? Experience in warfare? Personal goals and personality? Biology? Potential?

Not a damned clue.

Are we talking strongest or most destructive? Because in terms of most destructive it’s obviously mages and probably destruction warlocks. However in terms of just being powerful then shadow priests and warlocks kinda shoot up in stock. I mean mages are also powerful but arcane has always been considered lesser when compared to fel and void.

She also spent one hell of a long time around the Well of Eternity, a source of immense power.

The difference is that each and every one of those Magi have used more than just their own power, they all used the power of the guardian of Tirisfal. Everything Malfurion did was basically he own strength, not gifted by others.

You sound like every muppet that I had the misfortune of seeing when my friend dragged me to the Argent Dawn server.

Yep. They may not be S tier DPS but I’ve been trying to stay on mine with the class fantasy which I enjoy, but it’s like they forgot to put any in despite creating an entire starter zone for them as well as a dragon themed island.

Once again, yet another missed opportunity.

I feel like Shadow Priest could be the most dangerous, they kind of resemble the Psyker concept of Warhammer. Generally speaking, warlocks are seen as stronger than mages, but that power comes with a corruptive cost. Mages are like scientists, and they can engineer very destructive contraptions (I’m thinking about the mana bomb for instance), Warlocks do this as well but on a cosmic and demonic level, with higher risks.

Shadow priests though, they tap into the power of the void and old gods, with the literal danger of going insane just for doing so (hell the resource they use is literal insanity). There haven’t been many lore representations, but I think that they’re the most dangerous ones, both for allies and for foes. The amount of destruction they could unleash may be on a totally different scale, because they call upon forces they cannot fully control. Just like Psykers much.

IMO anything with void/fel/light/arcane is powerful and dangerous. Especially if it’s used in an obsessive manner.

But if it’s raw, own power then druids for sure. Shamans (lvling one, and i love the storm) are dependant on the elements’ favour: if they don’t like the shaman, or don’t favour the doings, they turn away (see Gul’dan). Again, my opinion, but the way i see druids is: they have infinite power as Azeroth’s nature and anything that belongs there if that gets hurt, they are there to support the druids. Big bum ents, angry bears, hurricanes, swallowing roots, burning stars, you name it.

Mages and warlocks. While not every individual is strong there is essentially no ceiling to their power, a strong enough mage could essentially wipe out entire armies.
Druids are also extremely powerful in lore, but… The most powerful druid we have is constantly making up excuses whenever he sees a fight. “Oh i ummm… Need to ummm… Protect the dream… Yeah, yeah that’s right, i need to protect the dream” "oh umm… I can’t fight… Umm… If i use my power… Umm i’ll destroy the planet or something. " Pretty sure all the lore stories about his strength are actually written by him and are not factually accurate.

After the colossal missed opportunity for a cool story to show Malfurion and Tyrande’s power in Darkshore, I think this is true.

In lore, he’s a beast, but in WoW, he’s a loser.

We are quite trash on the tier lists for now.
But in canon, we definitely would win against every class.

I mean we’re literally dragons.
We master Blue, Red, Green, Black magic and even dabble with time magic.
And we got claws, spikes and scales and wings of course.

Beings infused with dragon essence, no?

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves there lizard boy.

On the scale of destroy average Joe , his friends , family , country , world and reality all together I`d say warlock and mages .
On the one on one scale death nights , followed by demon hunters eat warlocks and mages for breakfast .

All the other classes are basically support , dealing with the small adds , creating the setting or buffing the big four to solve the world’s problems .

I would have said druids originally, but the way Malfurion is written now, Broll Bearmantle is irrelevant and Hamuul Runetotem is a bruh character…

Azshara, Jaina and Medivh are just 3 powerhouses when it comes to the Arcane.

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Warlocks probably have the highest potential, but is prone to backstab or get backstabbed.

They’re not, because their power can be easily taken from them by their demonic patrons. Mages access the arcane aether, which has no power over them

But sadly those things are never depicted correctly as in the lore of the books.

In the books, the magic Kadghar and Jaina are doing could easily exhaust them to the point of falling into a fatigue coma/sleep.

We all know the things they do in game is just for the “cool epic moments” without realism tied to their actions :wink:

To anyone saying mages, remember that warlocks were once mages who sought more power. So they’re certainly more powerful than mages. Basically they should be able to do everything mages do plus a lot more.

So yeah, I can’t think of a more powerful class.

Deathknights are basically fallen paladins who are among the most powerful from the scourge, but the burning legion is more powerful than the scourge, since they kind of created it. Hence demon hunters (the bane of the burning legion) are supposed to be more powerful than deathknights.

Any class that uses fel magic should be at the top.