What class is the strongest lore-wise?


The dwarf from wow classic cinematic is hunter

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Demons can’t really take the magic from warlocks. There are however the small issues of either having the demons you summon turn on you and kill you or the fact that every single warlock that has ever used any fel magic will eventually turn into a demon themselves unless they are killed before.

Warlocks and mages are probably the strongest if it’s about 1v1, so basically the stronger individual.

I think the classes would go pretty much like this:

1: warlock
3:shadow priest

Evoker no idea, but probably somwhere in between s priest and shaman

Note that pretty much every class is far stronger than warriors on average and probably rogues too.

So the difference between the average druid or even paladin, and the average warrior is quite massive.

I am not quite sure about s priest though to be honest.

Note also that the difference between everyone above n 9 and the ones below is quite big. And the difference between n 10 and n 11 to n 12, is also quite big.

Like a paladin is way closer to a mage in power on average than a warrior is to a paladin.

Basically any class that can use magic of any time is superior to a completely physical class. Monks are not exactly fully physical, they use chi, which is kinda sorta like a form of magic.

I think mage has highest potential but DH are the strongest in lore of all playable classes :thinking:

They are not.

They are strong, but not more powerful than mages or warlocks.

They are the strongest of the melee classes i would say though.

Idk, it would probably be pretty close between demon hunters and death knights in the melee division. Demon hunters are really strong however they are incredibly specialized for fighting demons. Meanwhile death knights were created to pretty much just murder everything. I mean lore wise death knights are walking corpses empowered by magic that do not feel pain or get tired and get off on killing stuff. So in the story second and third generation death knights are pretty scary.

That’s why i specifically mentioned that classes get exponentially weaker on average after n9.

And warrior is by far the weakest on average.

That is kind of the beauty of those classes tho, lore wise they should be able to become so much more than they are. Like say you are a warrior and you stumble upon a void relic. You take it and you become a void empowered warrior. Or as a hunter you see the light and become super fanatical holy hunter. Or as a rogue the legion comes knocking on your door and offers you some green sludge and of course you accept it and become a fel rogue. Unfortunately none of that is reflected in the game but technically in terms of lore it should be possible.

Basically, if you can use magic, you’re already better than a purely physical class.

But i’m also considering whether or not that power only comes from an artifact of if you are also powerful yourself.

Technically sargeras is a fel empowered and arcane empowered warrior, he’s a warrior, but it would be wrong to say that he’s a pure warrior.

But his power doesn’t just come from external factors, that’s what i’m basically saying.

Instead Broxigar while being a really powerful warrior, a good portion of his power came from a magical axe. There’s a difference.

If it wasn’t for that axe he would have never been able to do what he did. In short he would be way weaker.

Gotta be Mage or Warlock I reckon.

Druid close behind those two.

The likes of Azshara, Aegwynn, Gul’dan, Khadgar, Malfurion and and a few others. No one esle really comes close unless it’s some sort of big bad like Sargeras etc.

You could kinda say that about a lot of magic users as well. Azshara is probably the strongest magic user in the story but a huge part of that is because of the well of eternity.

On Azeroth tho. In terms of power she was said to be around the same level as Archimonde and Archimonde was third in the ranks of the legion. And that is just counting Azeroth and legion and not the rest like the pantheon or the pantheon of death or army of light etc.

Yea, if you really think about it, at this point the champions are so strong it’s actually absurd.

Razageth isn’t even a blip on the radar to be completely honest. The champions would smash her into a million pieces realistically.

She’s not a believable threat, but on the other hand, it’s kinda hard to get the stakes higher when we defeated the jailor, which is a titan level threat, they would have to make up something really absurd.

So it’s not really a story complaint, it’s more than from a power level prospective, it makes no sense, that razageth is even a threat.

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