Im playing wow with a controller and have a limited number of viable keybinds I use. Which specs in war within generally use fewer buttons in combat? Im only interested in PvE dps or tank.
BM hunter has a minimal dps rotation, as has balance druid. They both have a lot of utility buttons, though.
Just stay away from m+ if you play with controller.
The correct answer is Fury Warrior.
Why is that?
My guess is that you will be expected to make use of your class utility. So even if the DPS rotation has only few buttons, people will expect you to do certain things like Soothe, stun/hard CC priority targets and so on. Coupled with defensive cooldowns this can greatly increase the number of buttons you use in a dungeon over the number of buttons you’d use while soloing.
The real answer is, play a BM Hunter because no one expects them to play any mechanic or use any ability correctly anyway so you will fit right in if you only map 8 buttons to your controller
Devastation Evoker is the class / spec combo with the least skills .
Your dps rotation is literally 4 buttons and you have 2 dps cooldowns . That is all. 2 to 3 aoe spels .
90% of the time you spam either disintegrate , or Living flame . single target .
When You aoe you use 2 buttons as well .
There are hardly any multipliers and I really like that .
Ive been playing other versions of the game and with the correct addon I have something like 30 buttons i can use comfortably using the triggers as shift and ctrl modifiers. I can however only use either smart targeting or just tab targeting when targeting enemies.
Oh, I know this, I’ve played FFXIV for a bit, which has full controller support and arguably more buttons per job than any WoW class has. I am just saying, if you only were to map 8 buttons you’d still fit in nicely with the BM crowd
Fury warrior, it has no real utility asides from commanding shout, and the rotation is 2-3 buttons.
Brewmaster monk
You can talent a few specs into a small amount of buttons and still do better than a lot of the people who follow the meta builds but don’t know how to utilise them well enough.
Fury warrior with a controller, the answer is yes
Loved one streamers holypala controller shuffle challenge aswell from some time ago.
In theory couldn’t the op keybind to A,B,Y,X and then had RB+ A,B, Y,X then LB+ A,B,Y or X?
Pretty sure thats how ESO got around it.
Not that i advocate playing wow with a controller but I aint one to judge
Demon hunter or just hunter, both classes can be played with few buttons.
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