What class to roll next

not exactly, i think all the healers are just too weird now…

Maybe I will do some tanking, but that too was so weird when i tried it in bfa.

You’re very picky. I’m the same also. Have you tried to wrap your head around Druid? They have a role for everything, and can do pretty much everything.

I always fall back to Druid when I don’t know what to play. They can also do melee damage as healer.

druid has instent heals and monk …

Give enhancement shaman a try. They changed how the class plays in SL / pre-patch, and If you don’t like the melee style, they can also heal or ranged DPS. Granted it is pretty squishy but man those visuals looks great. Lightning strikes and thunder everywhere + some hot fiery swings here and there. Also their class mount is awesome

Holy Paladin.

I feel like the op is trolling lol he basically describes a paladin and then suggests he wants the polar opposite in a priest.


I can see where you’re coming from with what the OP is asking for, but from what history has told us, Enhancement has been a rollercoaster in terms of viability.

Fully agreed!

They are so good now! So satisfying to use and the damage isn’t a meme anymore!

SHaman does become more and more appealing to play in all honesty… they just need to fix their survivability issues and it’ll be amazing xD

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Why is it called ‘rolling’ anyway? Nothing ‘rolls’. You just choose character, class, gender, looks, name, and that’s it. What’s ‘rolling’ about it?

If you want things to be simple then definitely don’t go disc. Hardest spec to play in the game.

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Maybe from pen and paper Dungeons and Dragons, where you would roll the dice to determine the attributes of your character? I’ve never played it, so not sure.

BM hunter can heal their pet pretty well.
So… BM hunter!

For even more fun: Get a spirit beast. It can heal YOU.
“And when I get that feelin’… I want… mutual healing.”

Seriously though; the only healing class I enjoy the gameplay of, is mistweaver monk, but I don’t play high end content on that char, so couldn’t tell you if that’s ANY good.

Yep. That’s it.

Just roll with it…

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