On the whole I like Warmode. As someone who enjoys world pvp in general, having some reward for doing some of the more menial tasks such as leveling and WQs etc pvp flagged is great. As is the uncertainty of whether you're going to run into a pack of alliance doing their weekly CTA quest or just randomly coming across people in the world that you can fight. However, the system feels somewhat bland. Especially when you are outside of the bounty zones.
Then last night it dawned on me what was missing; the old WorldDefense channel.
The WorldDefense channel was around up until definitely the end of MoP iirc and I think it continued into WoD however sharding really effected it and you would often go to the place that was being attacked only to find yourself on a different server and no one there attacking so I believe it was taken out for this reason. But now people in Warmode are more likely to be put on the same server despite being x-realm etc, so surely if you go to say Desolace for example (although I have no idea why anyone would lol) I would expect that there are so few people in that zone that all Warmode players would be on the same shard (if that's even how it works.) So if you saw "Nijel's Point is under attack!" you would think that there would be a pretty good chance you would end up finding those players there when you arrived.
Following the WorldDefense channel was one of my favourite things to do when I had nothing better to do back in the day, it filled the downtime I had back then which is now spent sat in cities, dueling or waiting for a bounty to pop up. It made the world feel more alive and brought life into zones that I would have no other reason for visiting. Sure it might be niche and a lot of people probably disabled it or never enabled it at all because of the spammy nature of the channel itself, anyone who had it turned on will remember things like the Halaa spam.
I know it's been gone for a good number of years now and I honestly don't know if Blizzard would bring it back, nor whether Warmode will has fixed some of the sharding issues that killed it in the first place. But I do think that it was a great addition to the game and while many dismiss world pvp as a place for low level gankers etc I honestly believe if it came back it would bring some life back to zones that end up just being passed through while you level up.
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There are communities in game that people ask for help and make groups but idk if there is one for horde. As you are my natural enemy i can't give you the invite ofcourse, hehe :D You can try starting your own community and invite people that enjoy world pvp there. For the second part i've no idea i've never killed anyone below 120, but if i see them i sap and blind for the lulz. It's not very common though i always leveled with WM on and never got ganked (maybe lucky?). General and City defense chat are also useful but people mostly whine about gankers there. Communities are the best way to do so. GL
Yeah i'm aware of the communities sadly but most of them are set up to instigate fights or try to arrange planned world pvp which just doesn't have the same edge, it doesn't feel organic like the WorldDefense channel did.
For example, there was nothing better than showing up to a hub where a max level was griefing by killing quest givers for no reason and just destroying them until they called their friends you get yours and all of a sudden somewhere stupid like Revantusk Village in The Hinterlands had like 10-15 max level players duking it out for no good reason. But it was a lot of fun.
For example, there was nothing better than showing up to a hub where a max level was griefing by killing quest givers for no reason and just destroying them until they called their friends you get yours and all of a sudden somewhere stupid like Revantusk Village in The Hinterlands had like 10-15 max level players duking it out for no good reason. But it was a lot of fun.