What customization options would you like to see for your race?

An illusion what are you hiding?!


Male pandaren can be red pandas finally.



I read somewhere that we will be able to choose what bones are visible (maybe on MMO or Wowhead), which could also be cool.

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Haha! :clap: :clap:

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Body shapes for humans.
Something where our characters look normal sized and not with a huge body with a tiny head.


Complete redo for Nightborne model, add new hair styles, more obvious tattoos. Oh and Felborne options too. I donā€™t care if it breaks the lore I want my Warlock to look like one.


I see people who keep asking for certain allied race changes, but theyā€™ve said on several occasions that allied races will not receive these customization updates.

Sorry to ruin the party.:upside_down_face:

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This is something which rly saddens me, I mean if the customizations are one of the major features of the new expansion for all the players I donā€™t see why Blizzard wouldnā€™t add them than to for the allied races since some are seriously lacking on that department, and have much less of them than standard races.

Iā€™d like high elf customization, donā€™t care about anything else really.


Thatā€™s the thing; theyā€™re not for all the players. Theyā€™re for all the ā€˜originalā€™ races.
Iā€™m not saying I wouldnā€™t like more allied race customization; I really would.
Iā€™m just telling you what they said.

To all the people asking for sliders. Blizzard have categorically already said sliders will never ever be a thing.

I meant they are made to be a major feature for everyone who buys the expansion, than I donā€™t see why Blizzard decided to restrict this just to standard races, thatā€™s lame in my opinion and not fair.

Thereā€™s always features that donā€™t appeal to everyone.
Take M+. Major feature in Legion and I never did it (well once).

Not everything is for everyone.
But with this ā€˜featureā€™, are you ONLY playing allied races? Iā€™d say if thatā€™s the case then thatā€™s a pretty rare thing. Most people will play at least a couple of races so yeah chances are they can make use of these new options in some form.

Well a lot of the people are playing right now allied races as their main chars, and for some of us alts arenā€™t rly that important. And I donā€™t think how your comparison is working in this case, the mythic + content is not restricted for anyone and this customizations will be and thatā€™s the difference here, besides even if you donā€™t run the dungeons in that mode you could still experience them in the other ones.

Sure but the point was more; not everything is for everyone. And imo thatā€™s fine.
I get why allied races are left out of this, in a way. And some of them definitely have it better than all the regular races when it comes to customization. But then, yeah, some do not.

Like I said; Iā€™d like to see more customization for them for sure. More so the improvements for that system; like being able to choose eye color seperate from face texture.

And who knows, maybe theyā€™ll add that in patches throughout Shadowlands.

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I would love for void elf (and blood elf) females to be able to have short hair. I love the short hair that female humans, gnomes, night elves and especially Dark Iron Dwarves already have. Iā€™m assuming more hairstyle options is one of the things theyā€™re implementing, so I have high hopes.

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You know this might sound strange to some people, but I wouldnā€™t be for the idea that the Blizzard gives all types of customizations for everyone, because some options I see just as uniqueness of some races which differ them from the other ones and keep them special. For example I would restrict the red eyes to the forsaken, the gold ones for the LFD and the blood elves because they make the most sense for them, the silver ones and black ( night warrior ) ones for the night elves, the purple and maybe blue ones ( as an high elf customization ) for the void elves, etcā€¦.

Oh sure; Iā€™m all for race specific customization.
Adds to the uniqueness of all the races.


Absolutely I love all your ideas.

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Ps; also not to rain on anyoneā€™s parade, but Ion clearly said: No sliders.