What DK ability feels the most underwhelming to press?

Hey fellow DKs. What spells/abilities do you hate to press? Which spell feels underwhelming for you? be it visually underwhelming, mechanically underwhelming and underwhelming by sound design.

Outbreak : This is one of the worst ability in the game, I hate pressing it. Underwhelming visuals, underwhelming sound design and I hate the constant reapplying with it.

Epidemic : Again, horribly designed both visually and in terms of audio. I do like it mechanically tho

Your turn.


Have you read any opinions on this forum lately? If not don’t worry I’ll summarize:

DEATH & DECAY / DEFILE SUCK, both visually and mechanically.

Now to not hijack yet another entry on this forum about how much we collectively hate D&D, I’ll actually comment a bit further.

I find most UH abilities underwhelming both in terms of their visual and sound effect.

Clawing Shadow: Considering it’s a talented upgrade, it looks awful and is barely visible in melee range. Its SFX lame too. When you’re in range you can sort of see it better but it still lacks that oomf you get from abilities from other classes like Storm Strike or Blade Of Justice.

Festering Strike: Is there even an animation to it? And what’s up with that swooshy sound like it’s a whisper? Is the sound meant to resonate the awfully small damage it does?

Soul Reaper: Same as FS above. Even less satisfying considering it’s an execute ability. Compare pressing SR to Execute or Hammer of Wrath. Pretty boring.

Unholy Assault: I’m sorry where is the assault component? More like Unholy disappointment.

Death Coil: Again with the boring swooshy noises. It needs more of a pop when it lands. Sure in range you actually get to see the projectile a bit but it doesn’t feel right. If anyone here plays Mortal Kombat, think about the character Quan Chi, and how he makes those really nasty necrotic skull projectiles. It should feel more like that.

Death’s Advance: Generic sprint sfx, how can this sound a bit more in line with DK’s aesthetic?

AMS: Can we get a visual update? WoTLK design really showing its age here.

Unholy Pact: The tool tip reads “igniting flaming chains”. Now I play with max graphics on a 4K monitor, you got to really squint to see those “flaming chains” looks more like a fire beam to me.

All our Minions: All of them but particularly the monstrosity from DT are looking well dated as well. Give them some visual upgrades please… And can Gargoyle just appear instead of having 4 seconds of slowly coming down from the sky?!

I think the only ability that is visually on point for me is Abomination Limb. I also love the sfx from Wraith Walk.

(yes yes I know, it’s odd that I still main DK even though I seem to only have critiques, I do enjoy it somehow)


Would be easier to say which abilities feel good to press.

Personally I like Abomination Limb. Cool effect and nice visual.

I find the DK lacks a big hit button that’s built into the rotation similar to a Locks Chaos Bolt,

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Mega death coil if you have 100runic power spend all 100runic power on 1 big death coil.
That would fix overflowed runic power on openers.

Desease builds and pet builds are bad all fake dmg cant kill anyone with that and easily healable.
Dk was best when he got buff to death coil and wounds in mid s2 it was best class apocalypse was 1shoot button also sudden doom was cutting peoples hp in half
But after nerfs of rotten touch, wounds and death coil its not good anymore.

  1. Vile Contagion
  2. Outbreak
  3. Festering Strike
  4. Death and Decay
  5. Summon Gargoyle

I don’t think I need to explain why

We received the worst rework of all classes. No other class received the same treatment as we did.
See that people don’t even want to give feedback for hero trees.
For example, why San’layn didn’t get Swarming Mist and Vampiric Aura as a party/raid buff - even my kids wonder.
The developer responsible for the design, playstyle and fantasy of DK should resign himself and look for a job elsewhere. He is completely unsuitable for this - for change for us.
Take a look at the rework for the rogue again. The developers’ official note was that they were waiting to make changes until a competent person who knew the rogue best came back - the feedback and changes were completely different.
So why are we treated the worst of all classes in the game? Because other classes also received more support and change and listening from the community than the DK community.
I simply can’t believe that we didn’t get a rework like a rework during Dragonflight where almost all classes received significant changes except us, and now before the release of the next expansion we are still treated just as badly, while other classes continue to receive solid and good changes (even despite already received in Dragonflight).
This doesn’t make sense to me.


Wait is that for real? That only adds fuel to the fire, no one relevant at blizzard plays DK.

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Classes and Rogue Rework

My sister in death and metal…i wish there where a DK dev, but as it stands it is widely known by now that there’s no class devs, there’s one or two guys doing all classes, and therein lies the problem, they DONT like DK.

also editing because i didnt read your whole post…wow! a Rogue rework!!! i could have never seen that coming…just…oh wow, finally im so glad that they finally got theirs…
and i cant honestly believe they actually stated that they waited for someone competent before doing so.
im lost for words and anger is bubbling once again, and if i was a few years younger i would spout threats and insults to no end…

FDK is getting one with the revamped Frostscythe and UDK is getting Festering Scythe. So we have tholat base covered now.

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The old death and decay animation/sound with the runes spreading on the floor were a million times more satisfying

I hate death and decay, its just clunky and they should rework it, make it like an aura or something.


Death coil was once my most satisfying spell until they gave it a forced cleave animation if you wanted to buff its damage

deathcoil too whispy sounding

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Death and decay ofc, everything about it shoud be removed.


Death and Decay, Soul Reaper

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Deathstrike as BDK.


Froststrike and Death&Decay…
Every time I get a ton of procs I overcap on runic power, and either start spamming frost strikes while overcapping on killing machine and rime procs, or i just keep on spamming Obliterates and overcap on Runic Power…

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