What Do I Do?

getting battered! cat in headlights comes to mind.
I’m fast approaching my 52nd birthday and running Mythic pluses, just started going into +2s and I got battered every step of the way.
do I carry on trying or do I except that my days are numbered playing at this level?

please don’t suggest Cata Classic lol

Well, it is tough content, but I know oldies who surprisingly play high level content as well so I would not say it is out of the realm of your grasps even at the spry age of 52.

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It’s hard to give a direct answer to that! Remember +2 this season is a +11 last. If you’re pugging there are good groups and bad, age doesn’t really come into it. Don’t give up yet :slight_smile:


If you want to do M+ then do them, maybe try one of the friendly communities. Join all of them!

Age doesn’t matter, just depends what you want to do. Anyone can learn.


that’s cool.

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I know i old timer that tanks and he is able to do it.
So its not impossible, you just have to put work in and be intressted in your class playstyle i suppose to be more driven to improve.

In case you wanna look him up “Apochalypse-Kazzak”

I think you can practice and learn no matter what age you are. Just keep to doing m0/+2 until you feel you are confident enough to step into +3 and so on. I also would recommend joining communities like Puny suggested, its better when u can learn in a chill environment that wont flip out on you for making mistakes.

Sounds promising :joy:

Keep trying and improving.

That isn’t old. I’m only a year younger than you, and I’m a mythic raider and reached 3.4k M+ score last season. There’s very little in PvE that requires fast reactions. It’s mostly about learning mechanics so you can anticipate what’s coming up and plan for it.

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The difference between M0 and M+2 is huge now since the last patch. You can’t just run in blind and wing it in +2s anymore, at least not easily when you’re still low on gear. You need to CC trash mobs, know what the bosses do, not stand in bad stuff, and use your defensives as much as possible.

I recommend checking out Quazii’s M+ dungeon master-class YouTube videos. He does a really good job at explaining the important trash and dungeon mechanics.

Only you can make this decision.

I’m roughly your age but I also have weakening eyesight and have been wrestling with this myself for several months.

I would suggest that you find a community to do this content with. You will likely find others with similar ability level to yourself.
You may be beyond PUGing now but only you can judge this. If you don’t feel like you’re contributing enough then a step into less stressful social grouping might be the answer.

Personally I’m not minded to venture into TWW. If I do continue playing it will be plugging away at old achievements, professions, mog farming (which might be more enjoyable with new changes).
Even this won’t be for much longer I fear.

You better not be a clicker, son, or we will need to have words.

As I’m getting close to finish my tasks to able to wear veteran tier gear, there is a discord like those ones but for normal difficulty raids?

Some of those also do raids, but I’m not sure how much this late on in the season. Go and have a look would be your best bet :slight_smile:

I do hope so, because the task that I set to be able to wear gear on champion tier track is:

_clearing all DF dungeon on mythic
_defeating 8 raid boss on normal.

Every time I will clear a dungeon or killing a boss I will be able to upgrade my gear from 1/8 to 2/8 and so on until I reach the cap.

Then I will have to set up the task to wear hero gear but probably will be like clearing all dungeon on +5 and killing 8 bosses on HC

Think dungeon dojo still does raids at least. U just sign up with the bot in their discord channel for raids.

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Unlike 90% of kazzak, he is quite a chill dude.

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