What do I need to be looking for to see if a DH tank is "doing it right"?

Just healed a DH tank that was healing a cloth class dipped in petrol and set alight.

A typical death on an 18 (he was 468) was 4 melees of 200k each, 2 ticks of despair >>>> dead in 1,9 seconds from 100 to zero. First boss in DHT (fort) he had 90k damage taken per sec. 2nd 131k before we wiped (tho we did have a decent amount of adds since the CR died to the first breath, mechanics are hard)

Is there some buff uptime or something that should give me some indication of whether they are doing the basics right? (Like sotr for a prot pally)

sounds like he sacrificed everything including his own life … his doing it right :wink:

but that don’t sound right so he was clearly doing something wrong maybe he was new to tanking quite a few never pratice and just leap into the fire as it was

Demon Spikes , although IDK if they are expected to have full uptime on it like we are.

Was he leaping into packs and dropping instantly? That’s the most common mistake beginner DH tanks make. (I mean, you can leap into packs, but you need to at least have spikes up before you land, meta if it’s a big/nasty pack, and ideally have some souls and fury available so you can heal the initial hit back up.)

Full uptime isn’t possible with the standard talents. It might be with Feed the Demon (talent that reduces CD per soul fragment consumed), but I’m not even sure of that.

The other common mistake is leaving it too late to kite. The time between deciding to leap out and actually doing it can be long enough to drop 50% HP in a hard pull, and it’s made even worse if you have DoTs on you.

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