Question is can you live without it?
For example if the only MS effect is Mortal Strike from the Warrior.
My opinion comes after 2 expansions and about 10 000 Shuffle rounds. Yeah i play a lot of shuffle, fast queues, i have work, starting my own business so that’s my only way to play the game in pvp.
My role is basicly from the start of the game been healing, so MS effects negate skill as a healer. Dps doesn’t really understand this point in the game. So how i view this? Well you are finishing your target with a big execute, it means under the hp threshold target execute hits more but it actually works the similar way here, under the certain hp threshold heals do more healing. So lets add mortal strike into it, which role has an advantage, skill wise?
Obsolete concept. Everyone having it is basically like noone having it. It might as well just be scrapped completely.
They could balance healer and dps better around dampening without ms effects than with them.
that could work, definitely as the damp is global affix into all healing.
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i dont know why demo lock, feral druid or dh even need it with the way they deal damage. Or fury for that matter, the way they do damage doesn’t feel like them having MS is taken into consideration.
i mean rogue doesn’t have 30 seconds of on demand whenever they want damage like DH or Feral, its as crazy as giving a ret mortal strike too
also unlike feral, dh or ret. Using a dispel or a bleed / poison cleanse doesn’t exactly shut down those classes since their big cool down is on them as a player, not a debuff applied to the person they’re killing
and demo shouldn’t just be playable rn period imho
If you’re still struggling into demo in this day and age then that’s a straight up skill issue
Give everyone the same MS effect that is applied in the exact same way or don’t give anyone one at all.
Why can somebody playing the easiest spec in the game keep up an MS at will but my MS is a 45 second cooldown NPC that gets 1 shot?
Dampening itself is “let the kid win mechanic” … truth is good player always know how to kill and find kill windonw without dampening… but baddies complained that they also need to be allowed to kill something and we have dampening.
I think they need to remove dampening and make it fixed in some median number. This will help them balance game as well, its hard to balance game with dampening around, since value of spells change with passed time, and some classes start to shine while others have no chance…
And still imagine people often cry about psyfiend being too strong… xD
Not like a 45 sec cd should be usefull, sharpen blade can’t be insta dispel iirc.
No it was because Arena matches at all levels were going on for ages. Just look up longest arena matches in Wow… these are streams at 2k+ rating which was impressive back in the day having 7+ hour matches.
Good that you point that out, classes with damage mitigation such as Absorbs, shields had longest matches, well it still haven’t changed. So can we just nerf Absorbs 
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they wasnt that much hours… maximum match I ever played was like 1 hour and it was BEST MATCH EVER in WoW
In that time enemy team was able to chat if they are same faction…
We meet team which was equaly skilled as us and since we wasnt able to kill each others a big smart game started to outsmart and suprise each others…
After 1 hour we finaly manage to get one of them, and another guys started to type in /say
Wait , wait, gg I sweated like pig 
Afterwards we friended those guys and chated with them, so it was also game of friendship.
Dampening is just let the kid win mehcanic, so guys who mindlessly blow their cooldown reach the point where they can win… in world where they woud win when hair grow on baboon back if there is no dampening. Since they actualy not play well… Dampening is there to reward bad play. nothing else…
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Only warriors, Monks, hunters and Demo locks (felguard) should have it.
Dk would still have necrotic wounds obv.
The problem with the MS effect is balance.
Game is balanced around arena with dampening. Imagine a healer that tries to heal someone with dampening and 50% reduced healing. In order to counter this , the healing power of all healers is too much.
Now take that healer and put him in a normal BG and try to kill him without a MS effect. I ve seen raid bosses die easier than this.
If i was to make a change i would reduce the MS effect to 20% and the overall healing of 30%.