What do you imagine in game?

an Alien that has hooves, tail and horns. Oh wait, a Draenei?


Are you OK?


I imagine the best basement disco ever @Goldshire.
Of course a Gnome will win, as always, but it would still be fun to compete

I also imagine that this turkey bacon pie would taste awesome


A Sayaad?
They have a homeworld, wich is not Azeroth, thus they are Alien Demons… or Demon Aliens
How about a Talbuk? Everything you said cheks out… :goat:


I imagine all the people!

You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.

Based Warcraft Slander

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I hope someday you’ll join us and the world will be as one

Nah just kidding, For The Horde! :wink:

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I imagine all the people and remember why I don’t go outside.

Go to Goldshire, Elwynn Forest in the server argent dawn.

Youll see that draeneis hold surprises that might be too huge for you;)


A tiefling by any other name would not smell as goaty.

But on topic, what do I imagine in game is… is going to get me banned on this forum so I won’t echo it here!

And yes I touched grass this morning when I got accosted by a cat that isn’t mine and sat with it for 20 minutes in the blazing sun. Leave me alone I’m old and broken.

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Yes they are uh tall! Tall!

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :camera_flash:

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