What do you people think about SL spriest

Same here, OP. I miss just dotting up and mind searing away :frowning_with_open_mouth:

I do miss my heavy machine gun raygun a lot!

me too . :frowning:

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Me three. :frowning:


[quote=ā€œThellanah-aggramar, post:23, topic:352228, full:trueā€]

Me four :frowning:


[quote=ā€œSunspark-burning-legion, post:24, topic:352228ā€]

Me thousand Their aoe is the crappiest design Iā€™ve ever seen anything puts you of spamming channeling spells and mind blast deals 0 damage compare to mind flay yet its our mastery thing so we got to spam it for mind bender to even be below Bm in dps :stuck_out_tongue:


A massive failure of a rework a money cash grab rework that resulted in nothing but grief for the reminder of the shadowlands expack.

The dude that remade the priest was so proud of his job so he left blizzard showing all the spriest a big middle finger.

We are useless in dungeons,
average at best in pvp,
got not even one good legendary compared to other classes,
we got trash conduits,
and worst gameplay / rotation we ever hadā€¦

I dont even play endgame anymore i just collect stuff.

Remake spriest or make achieves accoutwide so i can change my class after 10+ years of playing it. I would even buy class change if it was possibleā€¦

PS. im not mad, i was mad before, now i am just dissapointed.

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I liked how it started, i hate what it is now and what I have to work with.
Boring play style, too many CDs that are all crap unless you waste gcds tossing them out.

Iā€™ll keep this short and rank it a flop, i prefer the drain form(yes i know, how dare me like that)

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Remove void form. I dont Care what People say, becouse i Will Still say it. Shadow should be freed from this crap ability. Give is back cascade and Dot damage. These Dots deals nothing. Not event searing Nightmare does damage. I dont like how horribel show this class has become after legion. Blizzard Will you reedeeme your selfs and actually give Shadow a rework so we work as a dps both in aoe and singel taget. I am very dissapointed in what promise you didnt Keep.

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They still only had time for a partial rework

I think void form is fun, but right now itā€™s fighting everything else? Iā€™m hoping talent trees allow specialising either strong DoTs or burst Void for example, instead of having a bunch of weak things that all need to coexist to get damage.
Iā€™m relatively new at both raiding and spriest but this is so hard to manage. Why are the DoTs so short? Itā€™s not like they do damage, I think we need effects that cause them to extend or even spread (possible insanity spender). 6, 15, 21 seconds. And 10 to spend a (1) dark thought? Agh. Warlocks have 20 seconds to spend 4 stacks of demonic core.
I thought dpriest was the one about masochism.

I can play my DH on 3 buttons that conveniently change w metamorphosis, which leads me to think void form should just replace some of my spells.
My raid leader tells me Iā€™m a dot class but Iā€™m pretty sure Iā€™m a proc class now. My DPS is improving, but random, and I am getting stressed.

And why is the --spiteful shade-- living shadow opaque and covering my screen? The transparent look it has on other players is fine.

If blizzard fail at shadow in 10.0 Iā€™m leaving wow retail and going back to classic.

I for one think dotā€™s should deal damage. Not just be there for other classes to deal even more damage than you. Because theirs is instant damage. Blizzard needs to move away from these concepts. I remember when mind blast did a lot of damage now It barley does anything.

Rework Shadow Back in to something that makes sens I like to have a working aoe rotation for starters that donā€™t require me to stop channeling and have an tons of stop casts and RNG luck.

Bring back the core to the class give priest a pet managing we should have a pet like warlocks up 24/7 and mind blast damage that deals more damage than our mind flay.

Our Passive should Be the shadow flame prism. Make that In to our mastery.
And Remove Mind sear and void form. And add back cascade in to a 1,5min cd that only deals damage to adds affected by SW:P

Make Us Rotate with dotting and keeping mind blast of CD that would be way more fun. Also bring back so adds affected with SW:P makes mind sear deal more damage.

Considering how high maintenance the DoTs are, yeah I think they should do the main damage and a lot of it. If they were just a vector for apparitions and shadow weaving, they should just make them longer debuffs with no damage attached.

I donā€™t really see how the pet thing feels priestly, unless I make a pet by ripping the shadow from my enemies. But thatā€™s my opinion, a priest relies mainly on their mind.

To sum it up Shadow priest = frustrating gameplay.

I tried spriest atm, every single time I go into m+ I do half the single target damage of other dps, tried practicing the rotation, but the movement always screws me over, AOE is fine, but god damn do I feel weak, when I play retri pala its like I click random abilities and completely outdps my spriest in every way, and thatā€™s another spec with good utilityā€¦
Overly complicated rotation, feeling sluggish, its really frustrating spec atm for me, and I love the idea, hope they will optimize it properly for dragonflight. Whole kit has to be changed.

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If i dot everything in classic i instantly deals damage as shadow even mind blast deals loads of damage. In Retail Dotting anything besides the boss is not helping your damage so thats why shadow falls off.

I donā€™t get the class designers of shadow priest at all. Terrible RNG and boring to sum it up. Add to that a void form that you need TO CAST: not instant cast. :stuck_out_tongue:

Please donā€™t.

Legion Bfa were not this bad, we doted pack once and did pew pew. Damage was linear and stable. Go back to Legion SP, make voidforms shorter and as a burst give us a cds to prolong it somehow - like void torrent or Heart of azerot memory of lucid dreamsā€¦

I think they should remove void bolt and bring instant cast void form make it in to a DPS cd like paladin wings.

You either missspeled or confused these two. Because you described shadow issue the exact oposite way.
We do decent ST and horrendous aoe.
If your struggle is oposite then it is a ā€œyouā€ problem im sorry.

Way too dependent voidform.