What do you Wear?

You are invited to join the leaders of your faction for a formal dinner. What do you dress your character(s) up in to attend?

If you want, you can use https://www.wowhead.com/dressing-room or screenshots, armory etc to show off your looks.


Something that makes a political statement, a blood red dress at an alliance dinner perhaps, symbolizing support for the horde and a unified azeroth.


Depend on each character.

Konstantino? He would pay hansomly a fashion designer to pick him some clothes that are suppossed to make him look good with some parfum.
Kraktor would dress as the formal shamanic garbs of the Frostwolfclan.
Celion my Druid of the Talon would come in the Moonglade Raiment.
Konstantin my Kirin Tor mage would come when younger in the Black Velvet Robes while wearing Spider Silk boots but now with him entering the 40s which is the date where mages start to look 80 for the rest of their 120 years in Kirin Tor Garbes.
Seldaron would continue wear his Blood Knight armor showing he is the soldier through and through and not because he has no sense of style.
Selaron his twin being only a path stalker has no such luck as a famous job so he would just like Konstantino pay even more handsomly a fashionista for a decent but fitting cloth.
Selation on the other hand does not even hide that he is dead and just comes in his death knight armor cause for what else do they want to meet him if not business?


Full glorious on my panda, works for every occasion.


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Ooh I like that!!!

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Jorts are the only real answer

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Fangroth (Orc): Heritage armour with Frostwolf clan banner.
He follows Thrall leadership.

Valéria (BE): Imperial armor set.
I’m still working on her background.
Her father was a Lordaeron human, her mother a High Elf. That’s why she has blue eyes and short ears.
However during Arthas scourge invasion, her father was killed and her mother fled to outland. Her father is now a Forsaken guard, her mother has green eyes and is now a Blood Elf.
Valéria armour belongs to her father.

Bareria-Kul-Tyras (BE): BE heritage armour. She carries a 1 handed rapier sword (Electrocutioner Leg).

Bareria-Anachronos (BE): Overlord armour set, with Shattered Sun Offensive Tabard.

Thorburn (Forsaken): Forsaken BFA warfront armour.


Deidrid (BE): Ideally, it would be the Bloodknight PvP set rank 11 and a Blood Knight defender as :shield: (I don’t have it, yet).

Eruthiawen (BE): similar background and outfit as Valéria.

Death Knight

Strakar (BE): Death Knight armour set obtained in the final part of the Death Knight leveling zone. With the 2 handed rune sword.
For me this represents what a DK is.

Blackhide (Tauren): same outfit as Strakar.
However he carries the 2 handed axe, instead of the sword.


Aerlinniel (BE): BE Heritage armour, with Legion artifact bow. Red colour, second skin after the basic one.

Amazoner (Troll): Zandalari green set and bow. Red tone.

Yazhash (Orc): BFA Orc Warfront armour and bow.

Thorpe (Forsaken): BFA Forsaken Warfront armour and gun.


Valquirye (Troll): Zandalari Dungeon armour, with shield and dagger from the same place.


Cherokee (Tauren): ideally, the Tauren heritage armour (don’t have it yet).
He’s loyal to Baine Bloodhoof.


Cirondiel (BE): BE heritage armour.

Fiztask (Goblin): Goblin heritage armour.


Aineldiel (BE) and Kwangjo (Pandaren): Monk boosting set.

Demon Hunter

Deluchanar and Cristiel (BE): DH blue set, rewarded for finishing, the DH starting zone, accompanied with the glaives


Ammy (Forsaken): Forsaken heritage armour (when it’s available).

Valadhiel (BE): the blue cloth set rewarded in DF, pre-patch event.


Maranwethiel (BE): the blue set rewarded in DF, pre-patch event, with the crafted DF level 61 item, red chest, replacing the blue chest from the event. Making her the only cloth character to wear a shirt, instead of a dress.


Naffurty (Orc): BFA Orc Warfront armour set and staff.

Free to play characters level 20

Unknownwar (Warrior), Unknownhunt (Hunter), Unknownroge (Rogue), Unknownmage (Mage), all BEs: BFA armour set, with weapons included.
Background: trained soldiers, trained to die in battle. Suicide squad.



Interesting question … despite wearing t-shirt & leggings most of the time, I’d need to dress up for my leaders (though I’m not 100% sure who my leaders are now - possibly Anduin & Turalyon?).
I like Brewni’s dress but will need to have a look later to see if there’s anything that a bit more Ananda-ish

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Blood Troll set !

I think I’d have to go with this look


Obviously like this:


Wearing Turkish hat (Papal Fez) :tr:

You look great!

Now I need to tell one of my best friend

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I think something like this. Which is basically what’s underneath my normal transmog, aside for the belt.


My warsong clan heritage armor clearly and the PvP Weapons from BFA, what else?

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Tah does not attend.

She doesn’t roll that way. She’ll be out there with her pets, underneath a big tree enjoying a donut or something.


I appreciate it, though I have to point out that I had the Greek “tsolias” outfit in mind, which in turn is indeed inspired by the Turkish clothes of the era. This is more like a combination.




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