What does determine latency in WoW and can it be decreased?

Is there a way to somehow get lower latency ? i dont understand how this works because a friend of mine has worse internet than me but both of our latency sits around 50,mine fluctuate between 40-50ms even though ethernet speed can go up to 250mbps,latency is 8ms while testing.Is there a way to decrease this?

Latency is the distance between you and the servers.

And a proper internet connection from your PC, to your router and your ISP cables ensures a stable route within. So usually your ping should not fluctuate too much. A fluctuation of 10~ is not too problematic.

The only other thing that could improve it further would be if there were dedicated gaming cables or land routes that decreased distance or new tech that somehow transports speed greater without any loss over the major internet highway. Which are stuff the tech boys should invent.

Your personal download speed doesn’t affect latency.

There have also been sea cable disruptions, that may have impacted earlier operations previous year.

So i cant do much right ? its connected to my router with ethernet cable,its pretty close to my PC.In 90% of the time it sits around 40ms

Mhm, there’s nothing much you can do. Even when I’m next to certain other game servers I still have for example a ping of 10-15.

You’d need Korean type infrastructure to get it even lower :smiley:

Thanks for clarifying this

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Well what you could try but often doesn’t work, is ask if you can trial ISP subscriptions and see if there’s an improvement to be seen over your game latencies. It doesn’t always work because ISP’s generally lease the cables from a National Cable Infrastructure or similar organisation/company and only some own their own cables.

If you got the means and time to poke around that option. But I personally think there’s not going to be an improvement.