What does it mean to be Alliance?

Some fun advice they could take are from prominent writers. Doesn’t matter on the genre, but rather they should listen to how these writers take on writing.

I don’t understand how these stories motivated by sending ‘messages’ across came to be, but if they were from good intentions; fine. But there has to be a line crossed somewhere. It’s not fun when you write a story that is, for all intents and purposes meant only to send a blatant message.


He might’ve been well written at the start(which is doubtfull as he suddenly became the “End all, know all” of an Alliance he never led) but everything surrounding him went downhill after WoTLK.

It didn’t get any better when Anduin randomly inherited the non-inheritable rank of High-King.

With the diverse casts of heroes within the Alliance; Both Varian and Anduin were the least suited to lead the Grand Alliance in Wartime. Anduin might’ve been a good leader during peace, but since the Horde exists solely to make war(as it has been since the First War), he would never make a good leader for an Alliance created solely for war/defense.


Excuse you, I have a garden that grows pretty flowers.


Well their gardens grow ash now.

Joke’s on them.


I completely agree.

I think the promoting of a message, has taken over the telling of a story and it’s left the Warcraft 3 characters that we, for the most part, all loved…actually, not liking them.
They’ve been made to be these super powerful, perfect heroes, who can do no wrong and this has made them sloppy, uninteresting and plainly, bad characters, where we don’t want to see them and that’s sad, quite frankly.

This is due to Sylvanas being Warchief and wanting to promote a red vs blue war.

The affect this has had hasn’t been great and it doesn’t matter whether your team Sylvanas, team Anduin, team Saurfang/Baine, team Tyrande - none of that actually matters, because the whole thing has felt forced in, from day 1.

This is “Battle FOR Azeroth.” That title suggests that we’re fighting to save Azeroth…fighting for her, not each other.
And it isn’t just the Horde either. The whole of Jaina’s arc, after Thros was about red vs blue, which again, has been forced in.

I do agree with you here.

The character is out of place, but I feel his whole story arc - his whole character, is to promote a message, which I think many people know and aren’t happy with. Look at a recent shaving advert and you’ll get my drift.


It means being

  1. Honor kill punching bags for the horde
  2. Lore punching bags for the horde
  3. Mean blizzcon jokes targets for the horde
  4. Faction transfer target audience
  5. Some horses

To dream the impossible dream.
To fight the unbeatable foe.
To bear with unbearable sorrow.
And to run where the brave dare not go.

To right the unrightable wrong.
To try when your arms are too weary.
To reachhh, the unreachable starrr !!!

To be told by the gods(Blizzard) that you are always in the right, no matter what the situation whatsoever.

To be the hero/protagonist of the franchise.

To be getting all the positive screentime.

To be thrown with plot nukes and Lore Characters at you in an infinite flow.

To use the Forums as plattform to bragg about how much you hate the other 50% of the community and cover up to hide literal faction aligned bullying.

Talking about Horde bias, even tho in retrospective you have won all of the important wars and cruical battles without losing anything important at all(Lore characters > places and no name npcs).

In other words. Being as entitled about yourself as possible and attack other players for no good reasons other than faction pride :slight_smile:


This is for you Erevien.



At the moment it’s not easy to say… But the Alliance want to stop Sylvanas and we killed the King of the Zandalari … maybe this is morally gray ? Not sure at all

Pure non-toxically masculine angels who cannot actually press their advantage in a war because that would make the Zandalari feel bad uwu


Alliance-Horde war .End : Siege of Orgrimmar
Outcome : Alliance and Darkspear Rebellion victory.
Garrosh Hellscream overthrown in the Siege of Orgrimmar.
Vol’jin installed as warchief
Territorial Changes
Withdrawal of all Horde forces from Ashenvale
Sunreavers expelled from Dalaran.
Horde gains Azshara.
Forsaken gain full control over Hillsbrad Foothills, Silverpine Forest, Arathi and Andorhal.
Destruction of Southshore, Camp Taurajo ,Fort Triumph, Thal’darah Grove, Theramore, Gilneas and of the Shatterspear tribe, Rageroar clan and True Horde

No Horde bias boyz, Alliance lost nearly every territory and was shown like punch bags, complete idiots and retarded commanders. Horde - in desperate situations achieving victories and can utterly not let alliance win. Only Civil War is a conclusion to let Horde lose war. Even Khadgar weakening Alliance by not particapating against Sylvanas (best neutral ever). Blight cant be countered cause developers showing its ULTIMATE WEAPON.
And im not mentioning PVE, PVP, Story aspects to play as Horde, not Clown Blue Lion faction

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What does it mean to be Alliance, well I’ll let Nixxiom explain it

And whilst we’re at it, this is what it means to be Horde. He nailed Zakkaru and Ernst down to a T! :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Oh my god, I love the Trolls bit.


I mean I get what better technology is, but what exactly is “better religion”? LoL

You pretty much summarized the Alliance arrogance there lol.

Doubting the Alliance’s religion is HERESY! Repent and recant thy vile statement!


The Light doesn’t care about nature, so we can ruthlessly mine its ressources while still feeling good about it. Shamanistic cultures can’t. We win!


Wimbert, I picture you having a top hat, a monocle and a gentlemanly suit writing this.


The horde is together because:

Human-raised Thrall was kind to the Tauren and Trolls.
Kind Tauren are with Horde because Cairne owed Thrall.
Trolls are with Horde because Vol’jin owed Thrall.
Undead are with Horde to survive against the Humans, plus Tauren offered to try and cure their condition.
Orcs accept all those people because… Orc want, Orc take. Iz Orc way.
With more peoples, Orc take more easier…

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not their fault, Draenor is a harsh place.

The only difference now is that unfortunately their leader is not “team horde”, but rather “team herself” and the horde are just her tools, not her people.

The Alliance, appart from the Night Elves, are together because they just feel like it.
They share many of the same ideals and agree on the same logics and other concepts.
(of course, not everyone upholds those values)

alliance vs horde…
It’s like ancient greece vs everyone else at the time.
or china vs mongols. or renaissance europe vs ottomans.
it is logic and anthropocentrism vs basic instincts. (as far as the orcs)

“what it means to be alliance?”
i would say… “wanting to belong” as opposed to the horde’s “having to put up with each other”.

you only have to watch every blizcon, dev anouncement, marketing add,
and even listen to the horde npcs vs the alliance.

it was obvious, blizzard clearly wanted to boost horde fanboism from the start.
i think its cause they thought the alliance would be the more passionate.
but they overdid it, and it turned out the opposite.

you ask an alliance player what team they play for, he will say “the blue team, i guess”
you ask a horde player, and everyone and their mother start screaming “for the horde” and stuff.

so blizzard created fanbois.
then it’s only logical to cater to your passionate fans.

that’s why we ended up reshaping azshara into the freakin horde symbol, ffs.