I think that will look great! Dark moon has some nice stuff.
Well… there might be. But I’m a hunter and we have one of the worst transmogs in the game (Mail) now add a panda on top. Fashion disaster
I think that will look great! Dark moon has some nice stuff.
Well… there might be. But I’m a hunter and we have one of the worst transmogs in the game (Mail) now add a panda on top. Fashion disaster
The wich king yewws: no questions wemain unanswewed. No doubts wingew. Uwu awe azewoth’s gweatest champions. Uwu ovewcame evewy chawwenge i waid befowe uwu. My mightiest sewvants have fawwen befowe youw wewentwess onswaught… youw unbwidwed fuwy…
the wich king yewws: iws iwt twuwy wighteousness thawt dwives uwu? i wondew…
the wich king yewws: uwu twained thewm weww, fowdwing. Uwu dewivewed the gweatest fighting fowce thiws wowwd has evew known… wight intwo my hands - exactwy as i intended! uwu shaww be wewawded fow youw unwitting sacwifice.
the wich king yewws: watch now as i waise thewm fwom the dead tuwu become mastews of the scouwge. They wiww shwoud thiws wowwd in chaos awnd destwuction. Azewoth’s faww wiww come at theiw hands – awnd uwu wiww be the fiwst tuwu die.
the wich king yewws: i dewight in the iwony.
highwowd tiwion fowdwing yewws: wight gwant me owne finaw bwessing! give me the stwength… Tuwu shattew these bonds!
the wich king yewws: impossibwe…
highwowd tiwion fowdwing yewws: no mowe, awthas! no mowe wives wiww be consumed by youw hatwed!
tewenas menethiw ii yewws: fwee at wast! iwt iws ovew, my son. Thiws iws the moment of weckoning.
tewenas menethiw ii yewws: wise up, champions of the wight!
the wich king yewws: now i stand, the wion befowe the wambs… awnd they duwu nowt feaw.
the wich king yewws: they cannot feaw.
Ooh this one too:-
Siwe denathwius yewws: cwaww tuwu me own youw knees. Suwwendew, awnd i wiww gwant uwu a mewcifuw end.
siwe denathwius yewws: scweam fow me!
Champion! i sense azewite neawby awnd something dwawin’ a gweat deaw o’ powew fwom iwt! Ye need tae stowp iwt!
I have literally no idea what the joke is here, but I do know that foxes are dogs that think they’re cats.
that is how my dog acted, and she looks like a Vulpera. Makes sense now that i think about it
she was a german spitz if anyone is wondering
At first, I thought it was just a couple of typos, scrolled down a bit, and everyone seems to be “talking” this way.
Yeah, I’m out, on to the next thread.
Dog goes “woof”
cat goes “meow”
biwd goes “tweet”
awnd mouse goes “squeek”
cow goes “moo”
fwog goes “cwoak”
awnd the ewephant goes “toot”
ducks say “quack”
awnd fish gow “bwub”
awnd the seaw goes “ow ow ow”
but thewe’s owne sound
thawt no owne knows
whawt does the fox say?
whawt the fox say?
whawt the fox say?
whawt the fox say?
whawt the fox say?
big bwue eyes
pointy nose
chasing mice
awnd digging howes
tiny paws
up the hiww
suddenwy uwu’we standing stiww
youw fuw iws wed
so beautifuw
wike an angew in disguise
but if uwu meet
a fwiendwy howse
wiww uwu communicate by
how wiww uwu speak tuwu thawt
whawt does the fox say?
whawt the fox say?
whawt the fox say?
“a-hee-ahee ha-hee!
a-hee-ahee ha-hee!
a-hee-ahee ha-hee!”
whawt the fox say?
whawt does the fox say?
the secwet of the fox
ancient mystewy
somewhewe deep in the woods
i know uwu’we hiding
whawt iws youw sound?
wiww we evew know?
wiww awways be a mystewy
whawt duwu uwu say?
uwu’we my guawdian angew
hiding in the woods
whawt iws youw sound?
(wa-wa-way-do, wub-wid-bid-dum-way-do, wa-wa-way-do)
wiww we evew know? (bay-budabud-dum-bam)
i wawnt tuwu (mama-dum-day-do) i wawnt tuwu, i wawnt tuwu know!
(abay-ba-da bum-bum bay-do)
I’m having difficulties with this one. How do you pronounce the button text?
lol very funny
Champion! azewoth cwies out few yew aid! come tae siwithus. Thewe’s somethin’ ye need tae se.
The fox says “Run! Here comes Soul with another commission for red fox fur capes”
The fact you have both mangled Blizzard’s already woeful Scottish accent and Vulped it makes me even more determined to one day obliterate Scandinavia.
What does the fox say when Dunkiee walks up close to them?
Apparently nothing because I just boop their little noses. That leaves them speechless every time!
No need for such negative attitude my friend
I will keep a closer eye on you and try and help you
You know only every fifth or eight fox is gonna drop a pelt.
It justifies the slaughter so my kin can be raised in her service.
As either second hand dk’s or as potential fur coats.
I hate it