What does WoW mean to you?

Now I know there is alot of hate going around WoW rn, and some of it justified andsome of it a bit over the top.

But regardless I think it’s important to remember the happy moments or when it’s been there when you needed it, so that’s what I wanna know from you.

Let’s have some story time and talk about it, I’ll go first:

When I had just moved to germany, didn’t speak the language it was mostly me and my fam. Didn’t have alot of friends if any cause I simply didnt speak the language and was used to the mexican culture, which for those of you who havent experienced either, it’s a very big shift.

Anyways so I can honestly say with my mom working her tail off to support her kids alone, it was mostly us alone at home so we took care of each other and my brother was a big role model for me at the time. He used to play all kind of games, lotro, smite and WoW. I remember seeing it and thinking it looked awesome, this was during mop where everthing looked gorgeous in my eyes.

I asked if I could play and my mom heavily monitered my game time when I was that age (around 2012 , so little baby Gilvion was like 7). Still I loved it, it served as something to look forward to and bond with my brother with. My 1 hour every day was heaven to me and I won’t forget how it made me really happy, though some months later my brother cancelled his sub and since I couldn’t pay for it I stopped playing… until legion where he gave it another shot. At this point I was able to pay a little and we both saved up to buy legion, and again… pure bliss, the world the lore the visuals all had me sooo astounded, I still remember the new animations when they came out and how awesome they looked/look.

At this time I had gotten older but my situation relatively the same, wasn’t the most social kinda kid, so here WoW really made me feel like there was a place I could go and escape it all. And when my brother cancelled his sub again I had to say goodbye, not because I want to… but because I simply had no choice.

Then during the end of bfa, when I got a raise in my allowance and we we’re doing better financially I finally got my own account. And it is the very account I’m on today and I loved it, honestly I loved having the freedom of not having to wonder when my brother would get bored again, I could play when I wanted since I was around 16 at the time and my schoolwork was doing well so my mom trusted me.

Regardless of how bad the expansion was or the current patch in bfa I loved it, the freedom is something I will never forget, I’d be lying if I said it doesnt haunt me to this day, and yes since then I took a break in shadowlands but since getting my own job and being able to financially stable my self and help me mom out I have so many warm memories of this world and this community and I thank whoever made the decision to make the game all the time.

Yeah it’s not perfect but nothing ever will be, and I’m having fun with the freedom and I look forward to what it holds, but I will never forget how much it helped and meant to me.

Thanks for reading this, so what about you, has WoW ever been there beynd “just a game” before, or are you just a person who is having fun and that’s enough?


WoW’s my fallback game if I got nothing else to do.


Wow is my main gaming hobby. I thoroughly enjoy the busy time and the down time.


Wow is just THE game for me. I play this game since I was a kid.

Its been with me through puberty through the first breakup.
Through becoming an adult and through becoming a parent.

Wow was always there always was fun and always gave ma a small retreat when life was to much.


An addiction I would really like to get rid of, but can’t
Because I don’t really want to in the first place

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My escape from the horrors of reality since 2005. Second home. Only game I always come back to.


For me it’s a place of relaxation, calm, solitude in times when I play alone (I desperately need that at times), joy and hilarity when playing with people I like. It’s a happy place usually.

It’s also a place where I love fishing which is in big contrast to the real world :wink:

EverQuest, which I played before, genuinely changed my perception of myself. I’m still very grateful I got into that, it helped build some confidence, and the realisation I’m a pretty ok person instead of the waste of space I thought I was before.

Hope your mum is doing ok! Those can’t have been the easiest years for her.


WoW is a great game that I enjoy fullest whenever I have the time for it, and love to play PvP after a long day of work, and the occasional farming, in-game social and PvE contents. An overall great game that has been part of my life since Warcraft III :slight_smile:

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A way of life.


I played an unhealthy amount of it till MoP, now it’s pretty much just comfort food for me that I dabble into very casually, but I always will have fond memories of looking back.

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1 the only game that i played this much.
2 the game that i grew up with.
3 one of my jobs. (used to make content)
4 the only game that i have this much achievements in it
having almost all the epic items mounts and ect.
had more than 10 accounts during this years.
more than 13 years of stories about wow and everything i did in the game.
this is the only game that was mixed with my job too (creating profile wallpaper for other players or fixing private game server websites)
and so much more that if i keep going it will be a topic for itself :slightly_smiling_face:

basically as Alythena said
A way of life
and for me was plus a way of having fun and growing up with it and mixing it with your job even making money with it every year.


Wow is my “in between good game releases” game

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WoW is my life`s destroyer!

I was supposed to finish my education back in 2008-2012ish but I farmed stupid achievements in WoW instead to go to the university everyday. And It was in a private server which doesnt exist anymore. I wasted my life for this stupid kids game WoW… And I still do, even if Im 35 now. Waste of your life in pixels.


But whatta years have they been :smile:


Best of my life :smile:


I would like to say time of our lives but I feel we are on our limit of puns by now :cat:

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“Now I know there is alot of hate going around WoW rn”

What hate? You even used “a lot”? I just dont see it, who is hating WoW? Content creators? I thought they milked all the hate the could during Shadowlands expansion…

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Sadly more and more these days a game I use to play.


Wow is a game i love and hate at the same time. On one side its a very repetitive game were you only do the same things over and over again like the quest system gather 10 of x and kill y of that and it is very boring to me and i hate it. Also the way the creators retcon a lot of the lore especially during the shadowlands its not something i am particular fond of…

On the other hand its a game were you interact with a lot of people in the game talking about the same story and gameplay or even real life so it makes you connect with other people which i like also when you have nothing better to do wow is a great pass time.

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