What does you character absoutely hate!?

Martok can’t stand warlocks and demons. Its one of the rare occasions when he faces them that the sweet old orc actually starts to fight with a fury worthy of an orc.


Rush hates bullies because he used to be one. Every other kid who he ever picked on is now respectful and polite to him whenever he sees them in Darkspear settlements, which makes him feel even worse. Seeing someone be bullied causes him to react with an inappropriate level of aggression.

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Illidan and Thrall, because blizzard decide to make them central plot character and massively buff there battle capabilities.

The elven heart clings to deep emotion, bearing extremes of love and loathing with fierce intensity for millennia. Such depths of anguished fury are reserved for the Scourge and the Demons that made them.

Compared to the hideous transgression against the elven people that was the culling of Quel’Thalas, other slights can’t possibly compare and allies old and new can be made in spite of recent history just to deal a sufficient blow to the beings responsible for all this suffering. In the end, they’ve all earned everything she can hope to inflict upon them.


Gorhardt does not suffer fools lightly. Despite being on the more heroic side of the Death Knight spectrum, he has no qualms about putting the fear into an idiot.

A more serious hatred of his would be the Scarlet Crusade, who he spent years fighting as a member of the Argent Dawn.

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Slavery in all kinds of states: slavery in its rawest state, slavery to power, to lust…


First of all, my character hates elves. Mostly because she fell trying to protect them.
Then she hates everyone who says “I’d rather be dead than undead”. Cause she knows many of those saying these lines, are just hypocrites who will change their mind soon after being raised.


If in “absolutely hate” you mean “wants to stay the fel away from”, then it’s banshees all the way. If it’s the thing that most annoy him, it’s demon hunter prostitues.

EDIT: No idea how to spell the P word.
Prostitutes…? Did I get it right this time?


People who makes bad arguments so i can counter them with worse arguments

Although i dont use my character outside of the forums

“What I absolutely, positively hate and despise?
Demon Hunters…
Well not all of us, mind you… but most of them
And you know why?
Because they constantly and proudly yell “I’ve sacrificed everything! What have you given?”, Fel, I just want to gore those little edge lords with my Glaive…
I have news for you starlight!
You sacrificed NOTHING!
Sacrifice mean either to give up (something valued) for the sake of other considerations or an act of slaughtering an animal or person or surrendering a possession as an offering to a deity.
You, did none of these
You have lost everything - or close to it - thanks to the Legion… but guess what, like many other like you! Your loss not makes you some special snowflake… face the truth! Like Illidan, you, me, the other Demon Hunters, we are all power hungy bastards. Hard to swallow it, isn’t it?
It maters a little or not at all you wanted power to have your ravange, or to impress some girl, or belive the end justifies the means! You. Wanted. Power.
The Legion’s other victims didn’t had the stomach to grab the power of Fel and Chaos magic, the very power that ruined their life and bend it to their will, use the power of Demons to achive some measure of revenge. You wanted power, grabed it and mastered it! Whatever was the reason… you did it
We never sacrificed anything… we have lost many thing, most of the time everything, but so do others.
But I guess yelling “I’ve lost more or less everything! What have you lost?” just isn’t the same… not that edgy, especially after what happened Teldrassil when you are around the Banshee Lich Queen’s and the Horde’s victims
Just … pathetic”


“Aye, sounds very much like the usual, boring, hate everyone around you demon hunter that you hate so much. If you could rant for this long about people, you might want to look in the mirror first, to double check you ain’t like them.”


Snapvine Watermelon… Not the taste of it, because they are very delicious - but the mess when eating it.

When being a tauren, it takes a lot of concentration to hold squishy things without squashing it, and the peel on the watermelon is quite thin even if it is tough.

Then the challenge of eating it - it is simply impossible to eat it and look graceful at the same time.
It’s full of water, so the fur all over the face will be wet and sticky, the hands will be wet and sticky too and the braids will be wet, sticky and the little seeds will get tangled in.

If the weather is windy and dusty, you’ll not only be wet and sticky but also covered in dust - is it cold, it’s wet, sticky and almost frozen.

It takes a shower and cleaning of the clothings, because that got wet and sticky too.

Snapvine Watermelon is tasty, but such a difficult thing to enjoy properly :pensive:


That is so cute I forgot how I was supposed to answer. Every other problem in the Azeroth seems so small and not worth it now.


“I’m not prone to hate, but there is a special exception for the Scourge. I expect the reasons why are obvious.”


‘‘I hate clothes.’’


“Stormwind city, lack of control with so much crazy people in it”


“In ignorance, people grow fearful and as they are fearful, they hate. In their hatred, they reject truth and become ignorant. So it repeats. I dislike ignorance.”


The livi- I mean the Alliance


I 'ate 'dem elves!


Same, mon. Same.