Now, let’s set aside the recruitment ads, we see ads on twitch a plenty.
I am curious as to what drew you to come to this Horde mega server?
Sheer luck? Had friends that played here? More people, more community?
And what made you stay?
If you wish you can just tl;dr or share your story.
It was a cold dark day in some other decade when the guild in some other game threw their hands in the air, and decreed it was time to give up and go where all the other cool kids were: WoW.
Knowing they would be terribly worried about leaving me behind, I nagged three of them to remind me where I was suppose to roll a ‘druid’ so I could rain down healing moonbeams everywhere, because I definitely got what druid was about.
‘Draenor’ was the reply. ‘Now come learn about addons - apparently everyone uses Elvui. Get Elv. Get flying. GET FISHING!’
Half a year passed, a season of AFK, house moving, dog walking, lollygagging and so on. I was second to fly, my Elv was… viable. But no man or mouse could move me to fish.
A glorious login, a warcry of ‘I’m ready, boys!’ into the desolate wasteland of the roster that had imploded. Mildly awkward TL;DR from the two stalwarts who still logged in. ‘Out there is bad’ they muttered ‘pugs everywhere, quitters, no loyalty, one wipe and they leave, no no, we will stay here, guard the flag of our former glory…’