What guilds/communities cater to Light based rp on Horde?

As an irishman I can relate

i will take this moment to say #notallirish

Yeah we certainly arent all the same thank goodness, what a boring world thatd be if we were

As much as I’d love to RP a lightbound zealot… Sadly, they aren’t on Azeroth. (Nor did they come with the Mag’har and co)

I know. The only Mag’har who came over were the ones gathered in the hold and they had no Lightbound among them. That being said, it’s still an infinitely more creative idea than RPing a human in orc skin.

Fel orc Light wielders on the other hand are ascended galaxy brain

Correct! (in ten characters)

If the broken belive shamanism is another path to the Light. Can orcs believe that the Light is another path to shamanism?


they might need to delude themselves extremely/unreasonably hard to achieve that mentality + be isolated from other orcs

as far as we know

with the saberon and botani hitching a ride anything’s on the table

Might as well begin your own, knit your own guild, since I can’t see anything good on the Horde roleplay horizon. I’d just faction change if I were you to Alliance lol… but I hope you find that one guild who does what you are trying to find! :slight_smile: @Ghormisa

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Plenty popping on the Horde now tbh with loads of new initiatives, Gladiatorial combat, goblin/“neutral” esque hubs popping up, campfire nights by a certain clan also, other things also.

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Some say there was once a great guild of Horde light worshipers…

But that the world was not ready for them.


My Guild, The Order of the Sun, is completly based around the Light. :smiley:

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