What happened since last week?

Last week I was healing on my druid (260 PvP item level and 34 vers) and was doing okay. Now the incoming damage is so much. I can barely keep my teammates alive, or myself. I even switched covenants to see if things improved, but health bars keep going 100-0 in seconds.

Did something change? Conquest upgrades are still gated, so that can’t be it.

Most likely the reason for this are the tier-pieces.

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a bit more context is needed like who was killed ? what ilevel they had? who kiled them ?

Absolutely no additional context is required here.

For anyone who exclusively plays PvP (such as myself) we’ve seen damage scaling insanely as people start getting the new season weapons and tier set bonuses.

A number of classes are now doing almost unhealable damage and random BG players will mostly tank it (instead of kiting/running etc).

They haven’t done any real PvP tuning yet as AWC is taking place and balancing is more likely to happen after it finishes (as AWC kind of feels out and defines the new meta) as well as highlighting the truly broken classes.

Tier items and double legendary.

Tier set items, double legendary, and the fact that you can outgear PvPers at the beginning of the season trough PvE (Mythic+ and Raiding) thanks to the conquest cap, not to mention that you get better chances at getting tier set items.

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