What happened to alliance?

Ive been a long time horde player and recently joined alliance… Ive never seen them this broken and weak in bg’s. Back in the days they always had the most healers and coordination but thats all gone… This isnt only because horde has shamans theres something else going on and i find it really odd that blizzard isnt doing something about it… How can a company allow that 1side of the faction has actual pvp and the other faction is just a sheep ready to be slaughtered…?

A simple fix would be crossfaction bg with premade que reduced to 2/3 people max…

Aggrend hope i meet you in the next life.

A simple fix would be crossfaction bg with premade que reduced to 2/3 people max…

The Blizzard team seems to be struggling to understand the situation. Instead of addressing the issue, they implemented a system that doubled the penalty for losses. When players were going AFK in battlegrounds, they reversed that change but continued to allow Horde premades. It’s truly disappointing to see how the company is handling these matters.

Whata shame of company.


Alliance has been the stronger PvE faction traditionally, paladins, blessings, full of PvE min-maxers and carebears looking to dress nice their night elf or human females or to play out their knight fantasy.

This type of behavior was there even before SoD. I played Alliance for the whole of 2019 classic. There were plenty of “let them win” players even then.

The first part wouldn’t fix much, it would just spread the misery to the faction that has that type of behavior happen much more rarely. The second part about premades up to 3 people would be an interesting idea.

I am just not sure the devs care anymore at this point. They have the numbers, PvE vs PvP engagement is obviously lopsided in the favor of PvE.

SoD overall seems to be a test. It’s fairly clear by now having both PvE and the smaller PvP crowd happy is beyond the scope of what SoD is supposed to achieve.

Do we want the devs to shift the few resources they have from delivering fresh and new content to “fixing” vanilla balance issues? If you want fixed vanilla there’s cata classic or live. I know I would rather see them pump out new content than to waste time because of people who regret their choice when they made their character or just want to have it all and can’t accept the alternative.

Lets just make a few changes to make sure alliance dominates in PvP then, you wouldn’t mind would you?

This is more or less what this forums is full of, thread after thread, post after post of people claiming they want balance when they play classes that are obviously strong or at least not weak.

Sure let’s implement an aura where horde characters are 2-3 shot by alliance characters. That is probably what will take for the defeatists to play. And then they will quit anyway once done with their pet objective since PvP wasn’t what they were after in the first place.

If only for the incessant moronic “balance” threads to stop from people who play dominant classes already but still somehow can’t manage.

Imo there is nothing to fix, at least player wise. They needed to actually fix the racials, because the really busted pvp racials are on the Horde side, ergo most pvp oriented players picked Horde to gain that edge.

Its why generally always Horde had to wait a very long time to enter a BG, and the Alliance would insta join. A lot less pvp minded Alliance players.

Alliance used to be a ‘force to be reckoned with’ because they were premade.

Solo Alliance players are a lot like League of Legends players; they’re determined that they themselves are the main character and would rather lose than support their teammates.

so by that logic you wouldnt mind losing your class that has dmg miti like the best tanks in tank gear, can instant heal for 30% of their health every 6sec, have near cc immunity through racial/earthshock/tremor/poison cleansing/grounding totem while still killing people in 2 gcds maybe in 4 without would you? seems like more to me you would be the one to cry even more so blizz just let it have you

In phase 1 people complained about healer being to powerful in pvp and they nerfed them.
After that nerf there is no point of having healers. When to many classes can one shot and healers can’t comete.
Bring back the power of healers.

Next thing is that we must remember that this is a huge beta for what could come (posible Classic+) and to put an effort to balance pvp is low priorety.
On the other hand they could just give us all classes on both side. If they do they will probably get to much heat from players who think this is not “The classic style”.

Alliance have always been weak and Broken in pvp…its not the classes or grafic. Its the ones that play alliance that…well there you go.

Wtf are you talking about. Have you played a shaman? Or are you are just still stuck on things that have been long nerfed or are made up?

  • If you want tank level mitigation on a shaman right now you have to actually pick the tank rune, which hampers you significantly in other areas.

  • No 30% hp heals every 6 second unless your hp is 2.5k. Earth Shield ticks for ~400 and Riptide does around 800. If that amount of healing is game breaking to you with how much damage classes have right now in PvP I don’t know what to tell you.

  • CC immunity you say, yea sure… 25% is 100% and tremor doesn’t tick every 4 second or anything, poison cleansing ticks every 0.1 second and grounding has no cooldown in your world. Got it. It’s as if this class should have no defensive abilities whatsoever.

  • Killing people in 2gdcds… P3 is calling, it’s been a while since then and power surge got nerfed and WoE has significant drawbacks, we’re playing in P5 now just so you know.

Stop drinking the Wavé cool-aid and play the class and see how it actually is. The class is strong but not to the point people make it out to be. A lot of other classes are strong as well, classes that were relegated to support only back in classic. Druids, Paladins are on a roll too.

Everyone is supercharged compared to how they were in classic, PvP balance is clearly not a priority (if you go by 5 phases worth of fixes) and it just happens when it happens and rarely is rushed into action for blatant broken things.

Some people need 1000 phases of this game to figure out and accept what SoD is. It’s not the Tournament Realm guys, chillax, it’s SEASON OF DISCOVERY. Everyone can get GM and HWL and there will be no mounts or titles for being 0.1% in PvP. Try and enjoy PvP if you can or otherwise play SoD for what it is clearly meant for, we’ve had enough clues what that is until now.

ok what other other areas? anything important in pvp or more important than the dmg miti? thats 1200 healing without riptide crit
learn to read i said NEAR cc immune you can try play as alliance and cc a shaman with a fear for example first goes into totem second you get earthshock and imagine that there are other players on the battlefield aswell so good luck getting even 3 cast of in a row
and yea i get killed in 2 gcds dont have that much pvp gear yet but still i dont see other classes with that much dmg miti utility and self doing the same
and also the 95% winrate for horde only shows skill issue yea sure keep trolling mate

Now it is clear you are trolling. 95% win rate… maybe against you specifically. No shaman spec has any chance to beat a properly specced/played warlock spec, but you somehow die in 2 gcds. Carry on spamming the forum with false stupid :poop: instead of learning how it is done.

A good player would destroy the totem. You have at least a 50% chance to destroy it before it ticks. But like I said, that’s what a good player would do.

Even better, if you respect the following rule you never have to worry about tremor breaking fear again: Tremor ticks every 4 seconds, if you destroy it and cast fear immediately even if the Shaman replaces the destroyed one instantly you will have 4 seconds to deny it.
I don’t know about you but I haven’t seen wands that have 4.0 speed(pet works too if you are elite and actually control one). Enjoy beating “nearly CC immune” shamans :dracthyr_lulmao:.

aha so both of you just saying kill tremor totem and i win jaja keep trolling and keep telling yourself its just because your that much of a god gamer im out was a mistake coming here in the first place lol