What happened to hunter class?

I decided to try hunter in Cataclysm and I love it. Feels so much better than on retail, also did you hear that gun effect? pretty cool!

Why exactly did they make pets more boring? Now my pet has the whole talent tree. Why did they remove Beast Lore? What is this about?

Survival in Catacylsm was my all-time favourite spec. Then gave a ranged class a melee spec :clown_face:

I agree. MM and survival were both far far far more fun in Cataclysm. BM also.


You can even hear the bow working. Why there is nothing like that anymore? I might go back to hunter on retail after playing in cata, but yeah, hunter feels like the king of the specs there for me. Really really fun

I’m not sure about this one. I never actually liked playing Survival, and did so only because of lack of ArPen gear during early phases in WotLK and now again because of actual removal of that stat, and lackluster performance of MM in CATA. Even BM perform better compared to MM.

What I don’t understand about Survival is why is that spec concepted around increased stamina, crowd control, parry and counterattack, and various PvP utilities true to it’s name “survival”, when most players don’t spec in those talents at all and play survival only as PvE, since it’s the best performing hunter spec for raids.

Or to be more specific: Why is Survival that is concepted as PvP utility spec, being the best performing PvE spec for hunter, while MM perform even worse than BM which was always intended primary for leveling and solo gameplay.

Easy enough to answer. No a single **** was given to hunters as a class, it’s lore, it’s gear, it’s uniqueness since Pandaria. Some will mention legion but I fail to see the fun in random hunter’s mark proc to start to dps correctly.


After removing RBG bombs from Survival and Chakrams from all, it has to be by far the least visually appealing class in game.

Murder of Crows, old Chakrams, Glaive Toss, Flayed Shot, Chimaera Shot, Deterrence. What happened with the cool looking stuff?

Even the Explosive Trap animation is * poof * (not literally, it’s just gone).

I hate the new talents you can pick
Removed chakram to replaced it with explosive shot :clown_face:

Except, hat we had Explosive Shot before that already together with Chakram?

Not beast mastery
markmanship had it

Gonna be honest, never touched BMM and only played Surv/MM.

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