What happened to Night ELF RP?

I can’t believe you would attack me like this brother! After all we went through at the harbor! :cry:

Plenty of nelf RP going on, just people are off doing their various things.

Feralas has been quiet for a while now, Feathermoon turned into a bit of a circus a while ago and people just stopped turning up.

It’s not being carried by single groups, it’s just happening where it’s happening is all. Check out the discord and threads mentioned above!


Most seem to be traveling as part of their campaigns. One I recently found moved out as well due to little RP in Kalimdor hubs like Feathermoon.

Personally, I keep finding nelf RP really hard to approach unless you’re part of one of their guilds or have connections within nelf RP community that will make approaching and interaction easier. Dunno if I’m doing something wrong or just get tired of approaching if not properly interacted with, but most of these groups and guilds are like “yeah come and approach us when we’re at hubs” but when you do, you get responded with one-liners and passivity, or just get walked past unless you’re the one to approach all the time, which then comes off as a lack of interest. This has existed before covid though, just doesn’t encourage engagement with nelf RP community and usually ends up in frustration from my side, being an elf nerd after all.

Despite PCU’s reputation, Dirge’s people have been generally a bit more open for interaction without me always being the first to approach or feeling that I need to “force roleplay” in order to find some night elf focused RP. Evernight Aegis’s folks also left a good impression by simply dragging a loner along on their RP one night. <3

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There are many approachable guilds and nelf rpers, but as said, they are scattered right now. I am aware NB’s are just back from their campaigns and the other Sentinel is on theirs. However, it doesn’t help that the /who command has been broken for months and it shows the region up as empty when in fact there has been roleplayers in it. As for one liners or passivity, I am sorry that has happened to you but it certainly isn’t my experience, the community has been very welcoming.

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I can understand where you’re coming from and had multiple people tell me different stories related to that, also being in some of them certain situations at times as well. Some people might be hard to approach, but just remember there are people around who aren’t. The NE community is small so you might just be bumping into the former more than the latter.

There are people that are friendly, don’t mind being approached and all that jazz. It does happen, I promise. If I am about feel free to approach me any time ^^

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TRP scan is better for finding RP than /who anyway, despite the fact latter is broken.

I’m not saying “all are like this” but a general experience that disencourages trying to further participate in nelf RP. While these people who bother approaching or conversing past a few lines casually, they are more encouraging to approach in the future as well. As I said, unsure if it’s just me or does anyone else experience this, but if it’s not just me, it would partially count for the whole.

I’ve historically found the night elf community to be quite difficult to engage with at times too, and I’ve tried a number of times over the years. I can attest to the Nightblade Sentinels being welcoming though.


Mmm many have that turned off I have found.

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I actually made a post about this in technical support. I knew it was broken, but the people there don’t think it is either. Quite confusing.

I think sometimes it can just be a matter of hanging around, being a part of the community, and showing that you’re not going anywhere which helps breaks this bubble eventually. At least I found, although Karth can be quite a bubbly character when it comes to talking, which helps as she can carry a conversation when someone else can’t.

There are few bubbles if at all really, some rare ones perhaps. I have found the sentinel guilds to be super welcoming, the previous druid ones and of course alot of the random nelf rpers. Perhaps the hardest group to rp with have been within the Highborne community but then, some of them rp their concepts very well and the disdain is of course ic :)… sweats

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I’m not saying there are bubbles, I’m on about breaking your own bubble of being newcomer. It can be quite hard to approach groups of strangers which have known each other for quite a while, it can be easy to get lost in the conversation and although a lot of players don’t mean to, new players can be overlooked. I love the NE community, love the RP, events and people, but I do know that there have been quite a few people I know who have found it hard to integrate and thus stick around after.

Sometimes NE RP can be very guild orientated when there isn’t a social event going on for the public, normally people have their missions to go on, unless there is downtime. People tend to have their set locations and people on the NE side have RPed for so long that they know the local familiar faces, people that will be sticking around. I think sometimes there has been an array of so many new faces that sometimes people don’t think they will stick around enough to RP with.

I do think like I said with perseverance that people who do experience can find themselves a foothold in the NE community and most of the time it’s not as hard as it looks, but at the moment maybe a little harder because everything is so quiet rn.


Honestly my main Night Elf’s less of a “kill all horde reeeee e e e e for teldrassil!!!” and more of a “i dont like undead, even alliance undead.” I personally prefer having my character being anti-undead rather than anti horde as a whole.
Then again I have so many Night Elf characters that I literally cover every side of the Night Elf opinions on Teldrassil, I have the “REE KILL EM”, the “REEE KILL UNDEAD”, the “Lets move on and be friends, peace is always the best option”, and “I’m too busy hunting demons to care”


Mmm also true :), it takes effort from both sides. I would also love to see more of the scattered kin rping in the main city of SW to also return to kalimdor rp scene too but thats by the side.

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