What happened to the Heart of Azeroth in lore?

Sorry for late answer:
Actually they did sold this as Night Elf HEAVY patch, hich was nothing of sorts. More story went towrds dragons and fight against Fyrakk and Avengers azerothians (without any Nelf in cinematic I must say) then about Night Elfs.
Amirdrassil even turned out not to be grown and planted and defended by Night Elfs. It was there for dragons aspectral powers. Nelfs don’t have anything from it at all. Only horde neutral town which with every day that passes without even a word from blizzard sounds more and more as intended.

Only one guard attacks horde.
If I remember correctly, even in small hubs when horde or Alliance character would get even near Flight Master they will all be imidiateley attacked.
Not such thing here.
In non neutral hubs/cities, player of oposite fction cannot use vendors, especially not to buy that rce’s heavy focused items such as Tabards, Cloacks and Shoulders.

Blizzard is silent about it and no “this is PTR talk will change it”
Not the first time anyone heared this lie. In most cases what they put out at PTR first is default blueprint and small things are added later.

To add, I don’t think that 10.2 was planned to be the last patch

If so, I didn’t see it, sorry.

The PTR makes it pretty obvious that it is meant to be an Alliance city by only giving it Alliance portals and by having Horde-hostile guards. If you jump to the conclusion that it’s meant to be neutral, because some traders there haven’t been turned hostile to Horde yet, that’s very, very much on you.

Hmm, now when I think about it, Val’sharah is contested zone. Portal from Bel’Ameth to there. Ferales, also contested zone, Felwood, also contested zone, and only thing we miss is portal to Orgrimmar.
I mean, common, to this day Alliance can’t enter horde quarters in Dalaran, both versions of it :stuck_out_tongue:
This will probably be the first neutral, place. Can’t call it anything yet because it is nothing but settlement now. Gilneas will be second and Silvermoon probably third.
But they need to break it on Night Elf’s back first ofc. If Night Elf fans don’t react, and they pretty much don’t. It is done

Ok, I’ll be happy to congratulate you on your victory against this imaginary foe in advance, then. :wink:

Ok, do that if it happens which I am leaning about 75% on that it will

I expect congratulations now. It is confirmed Bel’Ameth is neutral city now

Source? Are you talking about the buff that makes the NPCs neutral? That sounds like a thing that will be active during specific quests that lead the player there, and which wouldn’t be necessary, if they just wanted the city to be neutral. There was a similar buff when the Alliance player went to OG in preparation of the battle of Undercity after Wrathgate, for example. That didn’t make OG a neutral city.

Or did I miss something? I haven’t managed to get a character there in PTR since the new patch.

Ocy veins, wowhead.
They are neutral and they getting debuff which tells them they are watched LOL
And still if you attack any of them, as Alliance, Night Elf guard kills you

And no. The debuff don’t make them neutral. they are Neutral right from the start but that debuff tells them that they are watched hahahahaha

That’s because right now they get the debuff upon entering the city. Which likely won’t be the case on live, if they aren’t on specific quests that they aren’t testing right now. And if WoWhead is your source, here is their quote:

This aura is being given to all Horde players visiting Amirdrassil and Bel’ameth. It doesn’t seem to have any noticeable effect when interacting with other players, attacking Alliance players while under the aura causes nothing. The only effect it seems to have is to set all NPCs to Neutral standing around you. Currently, you lose the aura sometimes while flying around the sanctuary zone of Bel’ameth, but you receive it again when leaving to the open fields of Amirdrassil.

So yes, it is what makes the NPCs become neutral, going by this. So… my point stands unchanged.

And you lost it. :stuck_out_tongue:
You come to bel’Ameth as horde character you are automatically neutral. But with a debuf telling you how you are watched which do absolutely nothing

I rest my case

If your case was that there will be at least one quest where the Horde player will enter Bel’Ameth without being attacked you’ve won the argument. Not an argument with me, since I wasn’t arguing against that, but you won it.

If your case was that it will be a neutral city, where Horde won’t be hostile in general… you’re still just proving confirmation bias. That’s gotten less likely with the debuff, not more. You don’t install an off-switch for hostility, if you don’t plan to turn the hostility on on default.

5 minutes ago:

"Archdruid Hamuul Runetotem said:
Amirdrassil has bloomed. Bel’ameth marks a place of healing and respite for the kaldorei.

Part of this was due to our aid. Tyrande has graciously allowed us to walk freely here because of it.

Enjoy what this new land has to offer. Bask in its beauty, but do not make the High Priestess regret her decision, ."

Still not enough?

It’ll never be enough, until it’s actualy live. :wink:

But that’s the first evidence I do find convincing. I would assume that this indeed means that they intend to let the settlement be non-hostile for at least the rest of this addon. I still wonder about their choice of an easily switched on aura, instead of just using non-hostile NPCs, though, and I do think that will hold some significance sooner or later.

But ok, you have my permission to cry and rage now, until a change is foreseeable. :wink:

Hahahaha. Ok, Make sure you congratulate me. I wil probably not be here anymore before this patch comes live but I wil check and see if you congratulate me on my foresight :rofl:

Flushed down the toilet alongside every other Mc Guffin we’ve used at some point.

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