What happened to the scarlet order?

It’s strange.
The classics show us what happened to the survivors in lordaeron.
In addition to the Lich King, we were shown how the undead dealt with most of the scarlet order.

And in the end, we were kind of strange witnesses of how to take off the money.

I note that directly, they did not attack anywhere (intrusion) on factions.
Yes, they behaved aggressively on only in their own land.

Since then it turns out based on this, Kul Tiras successfully lived up to the arrival of the Lion Alliance, and those who were with the classics before our eyes disappeared, without a chance to be restored to the alliance.

In-hiding, most likely - but the numbers being very, very few.

They were still operating in Northrend in New Hearthglen and a few soldiers claimed the Monastery in Tirisfal, but aside from them - we’ve got nothing other than the - “information” given about Anduin and Sylvanas being a couple.

Ya there is a lot of debated stuff out there about there current status given what was seen in old a few PTRs.

Even the Survivors in Lordaeron up until Cata quests popped up focused around solliden farmstead and I believe it is still the same quest.

Many also believe the Scarlet Palisade near the farmstead is indeed still in scarlet hands since in the updated area of the zone voss was removed but not the scarlet npcs.

People will argue
Blizz lazy
What was seen in ptr the scarlet npcs were left to reflect the up coming plans.

and now we have this scarlet brotherhood showing up, which is once again simply treating the faction like a joke sadly I truly that blizzard simply do not understand just how big a fan base is out there for the scarlet crusade.

Wasn’t their a supposed questline where Dark Ranger Velonara was in the Scarlet Monastery and fighting the Crusaders?

I can’t remember the details.

It was set in Scarlet Halls not all the details were frond but your right pretty much we would have to go help her free some friend of hers.

A lot of people on US forms on alliance side were not happy about it since it was helping a dark ranger, they rather help the crusade ha.

More to it though if scarlets showed up at the monastery once again it was show the dk order failed in there attempt when trying to wipe out every crusader.

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