Well that is just false. You get unpleasant people in both games. In my personal experience, more unpleasant ones in Classic, but then, that is just my personal experience.
Essentially what happened is the Internet, like most technological innovations it is both blessing and curse, people can communicate with other people across the world in real time. Unfortunately this also gave rise to people’s ability to be absolute muppets and say things they would never dare to say to a persons face, which is down to a variety of factors, one of which is not how old an MMORPG is. This idea that Classic is some sort of lovely paradise where everyone is nice is simply a fairy tale.
I think that is just a misconception on some people’s behalves. If someone RP’s even rarely, then they are on the right server. Walking around in stealth and watching RP is a thing, but firstly, the RP’ers aren’t actors getting paid to entertain you, and secondly, depending on level, they can detect you, and there where are you? I mean if Brigante here suddenly noticed a Rogue or Hunter with Chameleon sneaking around him, you can be damned sure he would have some questions, questions he would expect answering. “Who are you?” “Why are you here?” “Did someone pay you to spy on me?”. I mean similar happened the other night, having an animated conversation, about seven or so of us, and someone was just loitering in earshot, they were playing Nightborne, so we swapped to Orcish to be polite, and someone even said “That fellow over there, are you wanting to join the conversation?” they said “no” so we just left it at that. I mean sometimes people do that. I write a lot, I find it helpful to write sat in a pub, just to be surrounded by conversation and people, rather than a pristine austere environment with no sounds about me. I’m not joining in the conversation, unless some of my friends walk in, and I’ll talk to anyone who pops over, but I am quite happy to just do my thing.
That’s how I generally assume people visibly watching RP are. They’re not sinister, and I will make an IC approach like “You alright there yourself? notice you were hanging around…anything we can help you with?”
Sometimes people are just wanting to RP but don’t know how to initiate RP, especially when a bunch of people are just nattering away in /say.
Thing is, you don’t -know- that, all you can go by is what is seen in game, so hells yeah, if I detect someone Stealthing around me, either because of level, or they got too close, damned right I’m going to react badly.
Not OOC, OOC that’s all groovy, IC as I say, I’ll have questions.
Some people come to RP realms for the perceived maturity of the populace, which in fairness, is not an undeserved reputation, you do tend to get a lot of players who are older, or a bit more switched on than the “go-go-go” archetype, or the “Git gud scrubs” mentality.
Equally, some come to grief Roleplay as if it was somehow weird people acting as different characters, then going away to watch TV or a DVD as if they weren’t watching people act as different characters (That one always makes me laugh) and those are the types of OOC players that we as Roleplayers rightly dislike. The ones who hang around, don’t disrupt, but don’t engage are not themselves per se the problem, its more like…how can I put this…
Say you have a glass of wine, right? That’s Argent Dawn. That’s your Roleplay realm. it is 100% wine. (I wish it were, but work with me here) You then add 10% OOCers, or ‘water’ in this analogy. Its still mostly wine, but not quite as much wine as it was. Now add another 30% water. Its now pretty much 40% water, and 60% wine, either way, its not really wine, or ‘an RP Realm’, its more sort of ‘Watered down wine’ where some people don’t RP. Add another 20% and you end up with 60% water, 40% wine.
Now if you tried to sell wine that was only 40% actual wine, you’d get done under Trading Standards laws…
Its not the fault of the -water-, Water in itself is a perfectly good liquid and vital, but a bottle of wine should contain wine, not wine and water.
The more OOCers on an RP server, the more your bottle of wine, turns into a bottle of water, with a dash of wine.
And that’s how RP servers die.
That’s why people get protective of them.
That’s my take on it anyway.
How much water is allowed in wine, before it is not classed as wine anymore?