What headcanon do you wish was canon?

There we go.

That this actually happened


Pandaria is oddly small on that map? It’s about the same size as Northrend on the in-game map and I don’t see why it wouldn’t be. It’s a continent, not an island.

Who do you figure they were fighting for those thousands of years?

I am very confused by the map projection used in this…

In the bottom climate map, the lines make it look like Pandaria is right on the equator. But then there’s a “Southern Hemisphere” map where it’s in the middle, which would put it at the South Pole. But also the “Southern Hemisphere” and “Northern Hemisphere” maps have the lines of longitude aligned differently? So the Southern Hemisphere is more like the… whatever Hemishpere is halfway between East and West? But then that should just be the same as the overall map, since most of Azeroth is on one hemisphere already…

And all of this leaves the question of, like… is 3/4 of the planet ocean? The entire back side of the planet is never shown, and if Pandaria is on the equator there, that means there’s nothing on the southern half?
So does that mean the continents are really small or Azeroth is really huge?

I’d say the former. Azeroth does look quite small compared to our own planet to be honest. I’d put it at a size of our moon, maybe somewhat bigger.

More than anything else, I wish they’d done justice to the dragons in WoW.

They’ve been so trivialized and normalized that they are like any dime-a-dozen fantasy creature within the game, all their wonder and power gone, reduced to either 1st tier raid bosses or killed off in a dungeon or a questline.

Dragons should be these wondrous awesome forces of power that’re only surpassed or equalized in their awesomeness by titan creations and the most powerful of Old god’s minions, like the C’thraxi.


100% agreed. Look at the absolute chads that dragons are in other settings like GoT or Warhammer. WoW ones are limp as hell.

I suppose it’s a symptom of everything being limp as hell next to the demigod player.


World of Diablocraft: Nephelim Boogaloo

But yeah. Dragons should be these creatures that look themselves above the civilizations of Azeroth with their own agendas and needs, only ever coming into contact with mortals when absolutely necessary or in hostile means.

I suppose this is also the reason why I am so miffed about Malygos’s death: Because he truly was one of those archetypes of original dragons who cared very little about mortals (until he was forced to care about their reckless magic use), and didn’t even bother consulting them about his war on magic- He just took it as his titan-bestowed gift and responsibility to do so. A lion doesn’t concern itself with the opinion of the sheep, etc.

Meanwhile Kalec is this cuck of a dragon who runs after 1 magical woman to another looking for love instead of enforcing the task entrusted upon his kin by the titans.

The Virgin Kalec vs the Chad Malygos


I never understood the fascination many Blizzard writers seem to have for incredible Mary Sue/Gary Stue characters that are totally epic awesome and all try to out impress eachother with what amazing deeds they can do/have done. Broxigar is on Me’dan levels of bad.

Blizz love their orcs and humans.


It’s because WoW is a themepark. It’s like an advertisement, except it’s advertising for you keeping your sub instead of for itself.

There is no substance or permanence to anything. You are torn from thing to thing as the game constantly tries to impress you. Very little is kept between expansions, especially in older ones. Plot twists and turns are made illogically and inconsistently to seem ‘cool’ yet still somehow end up predictable.

We need a warcraft 4 just to progress the rest of the damn world, the parts outside of the player’s line of sight. As it is, each expansion is desperate to find a new place for us to explore, and we accumulate more and more races and areas with less and less time to naturally progress each one after its allocated time in the limelight.

It’s unsustainable.


Maybe its time for them to revamp the old world again and focus on it for a change. Why do we need a new continent or islands each expansion?

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Agreed. Love me some content in old zones. I’m peeved that there was so little attention to Outland in Legion. It should’ve had more attention. So far main things in OL (during Legion xpac) were the DH cinematics and later recruiting Akama/his shadow, mage tower and Arcatraz Questline.

Oh, and bfa could had some story in old Troll zones. Zul’aman, Zul’farrak, Zul’gurub, Zul’drak and maybe isle of Thunder.

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My ideal future for WoW right now would be to:

A) Stop the faction war, completly. It’s one of the worst things in the entire game in terms of everything at this point, primarily story. PvP could be explained to minor skirmishes or just War games, but the whole war needs to go away in its entirety, forever.

B) No more new islands and areas for a while, instead have the expansion/s focus on the world developing, update -all- of the world prefferably, that includes off-shoot areas like Northrend, Outland, tbc locations, Pandaria. Work with what we got and progress the stories there. Perhaps new threats and events arise.

C) Step away from the great cosmic conflict. Blizzard is awful at writing big bad, the fate of creation, storylines. Scale it down, no global world ending threat, instead return back to the roots of adventurers and dealing with smaller issues that arise around the world. Not everything has to end in a climatic battle for the ages against a super being.


They won’t do it. They regret investing so much resources into updating the world in Cataclysm, because it took away a lot of developer resources from the actual 81+ content, and as a result Cataclysm was very poorly received and became impopular.

They certainly won’t do it again, even though the Cataclysm world is much older now than the vanilla world was in Cataclysm.

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The issue was that they also made new zones along with the revamp. But what if they use some of the revamped zones as the endgame zones?

I also saw a discussion the other day, and as much as I hve reservation for some things with Classic, I felt it was accurate.

I enjoyed plenty of the Cataclysm zone changes and questlines, but they have aged -alot- worse than the Vanilla ones. While there are exceptions, the Vanilla/Classic quests were fairly mundane and didnt connect to any grander story, and even if they did or didnt, in alot of cases, it was fairly timeless stuff that could take place in any of WoW’s history.

Cataclysms quests are pretty much all linked directly to Cataclysm and specifically -set- in the timeline of that expansion. So it feels alot more dated and out of touch.

You would have to do serious overhauls to make them feel like new zones.

New Arathi is not different enough from old Arathi to be a selling point, as an example. People will complain it feels samey.

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I wouldnt mind of the zones were a bit samy, but perhaps remove some of the cataclysm time-locked stuff like constant storms, and perhaps areas have been rebuilt a little bit.