What I am about to say regarding the custom Tabard Questline is very likely highly controversial

You’re gonna lose your social credit score, mate.

But if I were you, I’d rather ponder how they got your mind in hand - you criticize something you don’t like but every other word you are apologizing for having an opinion and excusing yourself and even using the often mocked “i have gay friends / I knew a gay person once” kind of argument.

Be more based, bro.


(post deleted by author)

Speaking as a gay guy, I find the pandering in this game to be utterly laughable and outright pathetic. It isn’t ‘representation’ - it’s a rather blatant attempt at trying to force the game to adhere to a specific political ideology.

Of course very few of those pushing for this sort of thing will ever acknowledge the opinions and thoughts of non-performative LGBT players who do not, in fact, feel obligated to be present in every single setting absolutely all of the time.

I find the ‘Body 1’ and ‘Body 2’ stuff to be equally reprehensible. It comes at the expense of what the vast majority of people on the planet identify as being and is another blatant example of what you correctly attributed as exclusion through inclusion.


All I will say is that it was very in your face what they were trying to do.


Oprah: You get a gay couple, and you get a gay couple… EVERYONE GETS A GAY COUPLE!


Man if that is your main problem that takes you to make a forum post, you must REALLY LOVE the game.

It is a nothing burger. In a game where most of the writing/quest is mediocre/bad, this is just to be expected. Only gay couple that was well written and actually added to the story was flynn-shaw, had really good chemistry in the quests and was quite fun.

To be fair, seems more of a “quota” they have to fill so that progressives in the us do not target them.

But I wish they go even harder on the meme. It is a fantasy world, make elementals that reproduce in party of fives, or doppelgangers that dichotomize. Who cares? just have fun with it.

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As a…

I also agree that this was…

I also wish my sexuality wasn’t a…

for Blizzard to write terrible characters and stories with that basically ends up as…


Too bad, your sexuality now is tied to a marketing metric.

And the worst part is that they do not do it to pander to you. They do it to pander to high paid executives and shareholders, in order to not get called out on some social media.

Edit: btw what do people mean with “non-performative”?


It’s referring to characters and and people who may happen to be gay but have far more going on than their sexuality and who are there not to fulfill some weird diversity quota.

They don’t want a big fuss made and do not want to placed on a pedestal based on a trait that is, largely, irrelevant to them.

That is true equality - not pretending it is somehow better or more interesting than the default sexuality that the majority of people on the planet subscribe to.


Oh so normal people, gotcha!


Why is sexual orientation such an important part in the story/gameplay for a PEGI 12 game?


Because of DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) metrics in the US. Because they started tracking metrics and data related to DEI, in order to present them to their shareholders.
Investors see those “scores”/“metrics” to present a “safer” investment against “cancel culture”, so companies do all kinds of stuff to “raise” those metrics.

And because making fantasy couples on a video game is way easier than actually working on fixing real life issues in your workplace, many companies try to shoehorn in stuff like that.

This is the reason you see stuff like that popping in almost everywhere (tv shows/movies/games), and not cause of some market demand.


And here we have the answer, thank you. This is not about to change, we just have to adapt to it like we always had - by not reading the quest texts.


So glad I skipped this expansion.

World of warcraft, a game about inclusivity and gender awareness. It’s in the name.


The only thing that annoys me about the quest line and that made me abandon it is the fact that I already did all those side quests with different characters, my account has the loremaster AV - but not all on the same character. To actually finish the quest line, I’d now have to do all those silly little side quests AGAIN with ALL characters I want the tabard with.

Doing those quests once was fun, doing them several times is just annoying, and will cause even more ppl (as demonstrated by OP) to get annoyed with all the diverse couples. Devs shot themselves in the foot with this quest design. Loremaster should just enable the whole account to directly chose the dialogue option for the actual quest line.


I was spam klicking this dialog for a good 5 minutes before I gave up… I thought it was a bug but maybe its meant to be that way.

Most questlines in DF have been weak imo and I stopped reading most of them.

Usually I like reading quests and get involved in the storyline but lately I feel like all we do is arrange weddings and pick flowers for gender reveals…

I just want to kill ”bad” guys and save azeroth, is that to much to ask :dracthyr_cry:


I did the quest last night.

I didn’t like it. It was awful.

The LGBTQ+ is way over the top. I am a huge fan of it as a vehicle for telling new kinds of stories, but not as a token representation meant to be jammed down my throat. And this was very much the latter.

The quest itself was also just terrible. This whole visage concept is just not working. Blizzard tries to present it as something that’s always been around and everyone is accustomed to. But it’s complete garbage. Dragons changing forms were always about assuming a disguise, not about choosing a visual representation of one’s identity. And Blizzard trying to pretend it’s the latter and that it always was the latter is an insult to my intelligence.

And then there’s the quest objectives themselves. Its garbage. You’re asked to go out and collect “intelligence” whilst Emberthal does nothing?! You want me to go out and talk to strangers on your behalf and then relay their words to you?! That’s the dumbest task I’ve ever been presented with in WoW. Imagine it for a second in real life. I’m having an identity crisis, so I send my work college out into the city to ask a bunch of strangers how they’ve settled on their choice of clothing, and then come back and give me a summary of the “intelligence” so I can decide.
Do it yourself you stupid wannabe dragon prick!
It’s garbage.

And then there’s the ending where she realizes she’s fine with just being who she is, so there’s not.going to be any visage ceremony after all. What a god damn anticlimax! Building everything up around that stupid visage day ceremony and then not even have it?! Its garbage!

And then I did the Harbinger quest line afterward, and that one was exactly the kind of storytelling I want in WoW. It’s such a stark contrast between the two it’s insane.


It is very contrived / false / in your face.

I wasn’t a fan of it.

They may have well just called the quest chain “virtue signalling”.


I forgot the personal tabard even came this patch. Where do I even start this quest?

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