What I didn't like about TWW

Hello, I am writing as a wow player playing the game since vanilla launch on and off kind of fashion. For the background I am 3100 rated in m+ and have 6/8 mythic for raids.

  1. From the launch we had an issue and that was the +9 requirements for the gilded crests, yes me and my friends had no problem farming 9s and 10s from the week one however that high requirements with the amazingly tight crest caps and 90 gilded requirement for crafts led to decline in player numbers from the beginning. Resulting in a much more limited economy and player base. I still don’t get what is the big deal about slowing down gearing for the general population like the game is already about leveling and gearing alts after a certain point.
  2. The notorious spymaster’s web: this is just an example, when developers create something that good and that unique I always start to worry. Simple reason is this what if I don’t get it. I was lucky this expansion and got it from week 2 however that simply might not have been the case and I really despise the idea for leveling and playing 3-4 of the same character and hope to get it in one of their vaults, I simply don’t have the time or the energy to do it. However missing out on such a power house is also very frustrating which lead to some people giving up and stop playing the game. I have 2 approach to this issue please either stop making such trinkets that out power anything or just give players a way to get them in case they are unlucky (maybe like a token from the DF S4 that you get from the vault).
  3. Mythic + dungeons, is it just me or the damage dealt by the mobs are absurdly high? In DF season 1 and 2 the main thing keeping you from timing a high key was the mob health pools and that was fun like after all we gamers and we love high numbers. However starting in DF season 3 something changed and it suddenly became a game of survival. Like I am not saying the game should be forgiving to players who stand in frontals but the unavoidable damage or damage coming of the 2 second casts shouldn’t be this high. On the other side mob HPs shouldn’t be this low. Also the stun interrupts not being interrupts are also not working in my opinion.
  4. 10 man mythic raids. I don’t know since how long community is asking this and getting disregarded but after a certain point in time I am really tired of being forced to play with someone new every week. I am sick of trying to maintain 20 people coming and going and simply want to play the game with my friends. Like 10 Man mythic not giving hall of fame, I am down for that, 10 man mythic having no transmogs I am ok with that, 10 man mythic having a different “inferior” title, sure but can we at least the enjoy the game with our friends?
  5. The hero talents was a huge mistake I think the game was already unbalanced without them and with them we simply have something dreadful. I think also developers are overwhelmed with the balances they need to make like recently enhancement shaman was nerfed 8% and they are still topping the meters by far. The second best class Frost DK was buffed in AoE while trying to nerf it. Like there are specs that are not existent anymore like when is the last time anyone saw a non-assignation rouge, a Brew master monk, Feral druid, warrior, non-augmentation evoker, demon hunter etc. etc. Like I know the perfect balance does not exists but like is it normal for 90% of the keys being tanked by paladin and healed by a priest, like doesn’t this call for a balance?
  6. Finally the weak auras: Where to begin like this is a vicious cycle, we are getting more and more complex rotations due to weak auras and we are solving the problems with more and more weak auras. While I was doing The Ice Crown Citadel raid I was very impressed with the coordination of the team which we downed Lich King with and now looking back that fight is nothing we would down it in 20 tries tops with the new auras etc. Like I don’t know what will be solution for this but can the developers design the game so we won’t need add-ons to play it and somehow make the current add-ons irrelevant.
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Bis is not a new concept and is a good thing in an mmo

Absolutely agree on weak auras. It has become pretty much impossible to play efficiently without this addon. You are leaving an insane amount of potential untapped when you refuse to use it for whatever reason. So much more of your attention can be put on enemy mechanics when you set weak auras up correctly. It can be the difference between blue parses and orange parses.

I don’t really see a solution either. The game would have to become less complex, but we all know that’s not going to happen. WoW will probably become more and more complex until it eventually comes to an end. I think Blizzard should just buy weak auras and put it into WoW as an essential. Everybody should use it until we maybe get a reset with WoW 2.

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I do feel like this m+ season feels a lot harder compared Dragonflight. Now I’ve never been amazing player but I definitely still felt more comfortable pugging during dragonflight, could pull my weight. Now my class feels like butt for which I need more addons than before to even do good dps.

I agree crest caps to be gone,

I agree having rare items in seasonal content windows and then outdating them in the next season is beyond dumb,

I agree that the M+ content is scaled oddly and feels super punishing for people who stuck between 8-10,s (Average players) , Lets be real a 6 with 1m dps overall from all 3 dps and 15 deaths is “almost” timeable but an 8 with the same dps output overall and 1 death is basically a deplete.

I do not think Mythic needs a 10 man version there has to be some type of requirement for the highest level of content, This is much a similar outcry to “Why cant we have a 10 man version of Nxxramas back in the day”

Hero talents are yet another way to bloat the already bloated ability systems, They need to refine them and then leave them be between expansions we do not need “new” or “reworks” of old abilitys.

Addons have always been a big part of WoW and some people are so reliant on them that the game is unplayable without them ie… I do not use DBM and am currently starting Mythic raid with my group we are 3/8 atm and 1 shot heroic each week. I do think that maybe a mode which says “Rewards are better but no addons are allowed” could be nice but so many people would not be able to dodge stuff without DBM or some other addon screaming GET OUT OF THE FIRE or something. So while I feel that I agree with this sentiment I do not think it,s something which will ever be implemented.

If weak auras wasn’t so darn difficult to setup I’d probably use it myself :rofl:. In the meantime I use Hekili to show me when my cd’s come off.

Here lies the problem. While you do not know, the developers also have no idea.

They tried that with private auras, and players found a way to work around it.

It’s a problem without a solution, and the best thing they can do (and are doing) is test different things each time, to try to invent problems that weak auras cannot fix.

Some of them are working, while some of them are not.

sure a lvl 16 mage reached 3100 rating :dracthyr_nod:

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