What if, No Multiservers BGs

What if players have to play only against players from the same server in BGs?

  • Living Flame vs Living Flame
  • Lone Wolf vs Lone Wolf
  • Wild Growth vs Wild Growth
    No Multiservers in BGs

This should be way more closer with the Vanilla experience from back in the days
Is this possible today? or players will ragequit this closer Vanilla experience?

What if we close all servers down and still make u pay 13 euros a month ?

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is this a menace?

What exactly will this achieve ?

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A closer Vanilla experience.
You can’t feel what was the real Vanilla, with multiservers
People claim #Nochange everywhere
So NoMultiserver should be in that #Nochange

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It wont be same .

On vanilla u had pretty much no premades ,or at least not so many .

Also realms before bad waaay less people so u could meet same ones over and over again, and get to know each other . Now realms are like 10 times bigger so this wont work .

this is what a real openworld is
This should be way more closer with the Vanilla experience from back in the days

are the Living Flame players not enough to face only Living Flame players in BGs? they are enough players yes

But it wont because of server size , this isnt vanila

i don’t understand your point here. 2024 servers should be better than 2004+ 's technology

the problem is… its kinda proven to end badly for alot of realms… Espically pve ones where factions arent locked, U’ll see a need for the return of same faction pvp with the masks

u say living flame would be oki.

but what about Servers like Lava Lash?

there was enough players in each servers at SoD’s launch.
with the meta-premade-discord-exploit’s crisis maybe not, i don’t know the numbers, but there were no dead servers (5-6 servers for entire Europe)

Id disagree.

Ud need a 1:1 ratio of players with equal interests on factions to have enough players to support its own BGs.

Otherwise queies would be 20 minutes on launch, and thstd be dooming. The game would appear dead.

Also vanilla didnt have exclusively server pvp only.

It had battlegroups which tied specific servers to one another.

it never happend even in Classic (a.k.a. one sided servers)

i would wait if it’s for proper PvP

i don’t remember when multiservers came but it was not before wotlk (or TBC ending)

[Battlegroup | Vanilla WoW Wiki | Fandom](https://vanilla-wow-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Battlegroup)

Yes, it appears it was.

not on french servers

Well, I cant comment there, but battlegroups came to us in 1.12 in Vanilla.

and it was to solve the fact BGs became a waiting game.

we french people were dogs, we mostly knew PvP, not really PvErs

aaaaaaaah the good old days

I dont see why mixed server pvp makes it any less real, if anything it hikes up the competition as far more people are involved.