What if Sylvanas

Had been a Dreadlord all along?

Hear me out now, if this had been a plott twist during shadowlands, that somewhere along the line of expansions she got replaced, everything would suddenly had made so much more sens… the writing and seaminly butchering of the character, every push for war, conflict drive… not only would you as a player get one of those “holy hek it just fits now… we were played so hard”

And what about her soul, could have been locked up on torghast in the trophy room with who… oh i dono Arthas soul maybe? where they would be forced to spend eternity with eatchother untill you the player just so happend to finaly reatch the last vault… and crack that egg of a secret wide open.

And then for the ending of it al it would be Arthas who would chose to venture in to the maw for al the wrongs he did, and Sylvanas would decide to join him in that endevor, beacuse she finaly could let go of the hatred she felt for him and would seek to do something good…

I dono… been sitting on these thoughts ever sens shadowlands ended and i just had to get them off somewhere

This makes no sense sorry.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Shadowlands was so bad that people are STILL theory crafting trying to fix the mess that was made. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Stop necromancy old topics ffs

oops I didn’t see the 29 day mark.
There are a lot of theory crafters. Some are more entertaining than others.

Stop it. Get some help.

Many threads would be closed now if people stopped reviving them all the time.