What if varian was leading the alliance during bfa?

Sadly that’s why they had to kill him. Otherwise BfA would have probably been ‘WoW: Varian’s ignored warning’ with him marching into Orgrimmar with every soldier the Alliance has to offer after the burning of Teldrassil.

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Or it wouldn’t be called BfA at all because Sylvanas wouldn’t dare declare war on Varian. In fact, she deeply respected him.

As in “He would be a worthy foe”. Doubt that having Varian would’ve deterred Sylvanas in the slightest.
But yeah, at least with him the war would’ve been more interesting.

It’s funny because that’s exactly what IC npcs think about Anduin and Varian too. I hope the kid is going to have a massive breakdown from all these negative opinions about him, both from players and npcs, and turns into a zealot of sorts.

Perhaps scarlet crusade 2.0 is shaping up.

Nah, just kidding, they wouldn’t ever do it.


No. The main reason why Sylvanas declared war is because she thought Anduin couldn’t keep his allies under control through his voice. That problem never presented itself with Varian. She didn’t declare war on Anduin because she was looking for a mighty foe to fight against like she were Goku.

It’s funny because that’s exactly what IC npcs think about Anduin and Varian too. I hope the kid is going to have a massive breakdown from all these negative opinions about him, both from players and npcs, and turns into a zealot of sorts.

Perhaps scarlet crusade 2.0 is shaping up.

Nah, just kidding, they wouldn’t ever do it.

They don’t really hate him, they just think he can’t be as good as Varian was. That alone is not enough to go mad. Plenty of rulers in history had to confront the fact that they had very big shoes to fill.

Yea you’re right, I just hope for any kind of serious reaction on his part sooner or later, but I think they want to shape him up good through the next expansions. After all he’s like a blank page, whereas Varian had a very defined character that was born already developed for the most part when he came back (then it went on).

Wasn’t there a comic with Anduin’s old version? How’s him there?

That comic shows a potential future where Anduin is still High King many decades after the conclusion of BfA. Interestingly enough, he now lives in the Vindicaar/Exodar, so I don’t know if that means Stormwind was destroyed in that future or if he just changed his base to better fight the Void…

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I’m pretty sure Varian wouldn’t have attacked undercity without distributing gas masks to his soldiers, therefore he wouldn’t have taken as many casualties to need mass ress.

Neither would Anduin, since he was stated to be wise beyond his years. And even if he weren’t, a 19 years old would still realize the need for blight protection. Plot just dumbed him down to make him lose at Lordaeron.

Thats assuming the burning would have happend, Varian might have sent some soilders to darnassus or sent his own forces to secure the blade thus Sylvannis would not have had the advantage of her attack.

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Iam pretty sure in the book we get a view into Sylvanas war plans and she states she would have never gone to war when Varian was alive

Yeah. She only went to war because she doubted Anduin’s capability to keep his allies under control, a problem that never presented itself with Varian.

since vanilla the horde always had strong, dyanmic, characterful leaders, while the alliance were lumbered with big names that felt like nobodies (or, y’know, actual nobodies like bolognese fordragon and magnet bronzehair or w/e they were called).

blizzard attempted to correct this imbalance by writing an edgy human-thrall with a tragic backstory (boohoo tiffin boohoo logosh boohoo boat-prison boohoo) and shoving him down everyone’s throats for seven years. despite how awful varian was, some alliance players nevertheless latched onto him because he was the first alliance leader to show anything resembling charisma.

he was a dull meat-head and a transparent attempt to make “thrall for humans”.

with a gruff voice and a demand to let a grieving father pass instead of throwing him off the damn balcony like he should’ve done

i mean srsly all the current whining horde players do about “MUH TRAITORS” is directly varian’s fault for not killing saurfang when he had the chance.

Emperor Karl-Franz I, Elector of Reikland. when war is afoot you need a man, not a boy.

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If only we had Karl-Franz instead of Anduin, guy has been crying since MoP


Given how the world literally blew up during Franz’s reign, whereas during Anduin’s reign we will defeat any world-ending threat, I’ll pass.

Still a cooler character. Not to mention, if the world actually blows up, we might actually get the WoW 2.0 that everyone seems to want, so I see this as an absolute win/win.

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… and he still didn’t cry.

blanduin meanwhile loses a few soldiers and has a whiny fit. also i don’t see karl-franz releasing archaon or ikit claw back into the wild once he had them under lock and key. or, y’know, losing a tonne of territory then failing to reclaim it or even avenge the loss.

hell, even louen would be better at this point. at least he doesn’t cry when some of the peasants get killed.

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If the world blows up you’ll be playing a blank screen in WoW 2.0.

Honestly I don’t know if Varian would have been any better since he was … Anduinified. He was a great fighter and a good general, but I don’t think that really matters anymore when you got characters like Jaina running around. Now the Horde-hating version, that guy I liked.

As much as I think we would all like to forget, there did come something after the world basically blew up. Age of Sigmar. So not quite the blank space.

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