What if we removed free Warsong Mark given for loss?

You didn’t read all I said, I wrote a paragraphe about why gear isn’t everything, why teamwork matters even more and why some people don’t show people show teamwork.

(psss: because they will have a mark, no matter the issue, so at the end of day they don’t really care)

gear matters. i know it would be ideal your way and it really would here but it wouldn’t work it is just that broken.

sure, but…


rest is in my post above (the mid-long one)

every single game they used shamans that made pallys and war look like they had cloth on, it took half my mana keeping one alive long enough to kill one and that was only when 2 or 3 others helped out.

i tried my best for what i had and i would every time because i am not the type to sit and take it lol but the balance is way one sided.

if i knew there was no reward i wouldn’t try it at all.

The whole problem is in what you said.

YOU tried everything and the best you can.

And the others ? Probably not.

Yes gear matters, class balance as well (forgot that), but motivation + teamwork is what matters the most.

Playing against horde racials and shamans = 0 motivation though. So it’s lose by default.


Add an overwatch style afk kicker. If you go a certain amount of time without damaging an enemy or healing an ally or interacting with relevant objective. Like capturing a flag. you get booted from the match.

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Why you even join that battleground?! It is a garbage, from every aspect, designed bad, a lots of skip jumps, which casual player do not know and how to trap the EFC, also it can be a turtle game, to end 3 flags must be caped, which is another bulls*t. And on current pvp balance of the game, if you go there as alliance, you are insane. Especially when have better alternate options to farm rep. In this bg, no winer or loser must rewarded with mark, to see then do will anyone join it because is so fun.
This BG is decent only for experienced premade grp with communication and certain setup.

That is a great idea, but before we screw up something important like the wsg mark economy, lets try doing this with something meaningless like subsidized education, housing or healthcare.

Surely this would jerk awake the complacent and idle that are dragging the industrious and capable you down. I mean IDK what would happen if it was removed, but it can hardly be worse than now. Best case scenario people get their responsibilities in order and start living their best life. Really, what is the worst that could happen and why should I care?

If you agree, nvm. If you feel an abject sense of horror eminating from the place were your capacity for imagining the consequences of policies reside, you might just be on to something.

Instead bring a rep token to STV vendor for WSG. Problem solved.

mate im full bis and get 2 shot by shammys. in meta or not. 51% dmg in meta form admittedly pve dps gear but still 51% dmg reduction. if you dont think thats broken your crazy.

85% of people dont want to be their, i certainly dont. literally detest WSG. but i have little option as some clown decided no raid drop or crafted bracers were to be obtained, so youve got generic PvE’ers having to run wsg to get anything close to a BIS item.

you say some people are bad. whats your counter 2 literally being globalled by certain classes? shammy. mett one your dying. no 2 ways about it. got 1 instant dot. tick for about 45 ish. they get near you and take 90% of your HP in 2 hits.

games broken as hell in pvp

I’m not one for complaining but I’ve mained Elemental Shaman throughout P1 and P2 SoD. I made an Ally character on another account and dinged 40, got some gear and started playing BG’s this week.

…And wow Enhancement Shamans really do annihilate people - I actually found it pretty hilarious the first time it happened to me. So, yeah, kinda feel for Alliance to be honest - can see why people just get fed up and want their mark especially if the opposing team has 3-4 Enhancement Shamans.

I didnt realize how bad it apparently is until I’ve read more and more people complain.
Alliance has insta queues but loses most of the time and horde has to wait a very long time.
I play BGs every time i log in, but I always play with 2-3 friends. As a group of 3-5 people it’s always insta queues and we win 95% of the matches. So every thing seemed awesome to me… guess not for everyone :grimacing:

„Having to run“ content u detest… spending hours and hours doing something u don’t enjoy just because some BiS list tells u that those pixels are slightly superior. That’s the dumbest thing I’ve read in a while… it’s a recreational activity, stop ruining ur own experience ffs :joy::man_facepalming:

Yeah remove them and let them bring horde vs horde PVP. Also add rep and honor tokens for WSG at STV vendor. Let the horde shamanjerk all day.

Just give it up, the PvP scene in the Alliance is dead, be it classic or retail. It’s a magnet for people who don’t care that much about PvP and the whole mentality that the Alliance sucks doesn’t do it any favors either. You are delusional to think that by making the situation worse, it would actually improve.

sure! then horde needs same faction bgs because the queue won‘t pop