What if wotlk succeed more then retail

Now you might say that is impossible, but what IF wotlk have more pople then retail?

What if people understand that they want more casual raiding like it was in wotlk without flashy mechanics and all that stuff to do, just normal dps rotation and don’t stand in fire thing.

What if they understand they want easier combat to take it with more relaxing pace.

What if they understand that they want professions as they were in wotlk, where you had to grind for days to level up from outland professions to max level, or at least where you couldnt level (for example leatherworking) within 1 hour like in shadowlands with 1 hour session of hyper AOE pull in korthia.

What if they realize true power of classic series and how much of a adventure potential that game offers, where you level for 15 days or more and just experience everything on a whole another way that is not describable.

Last thing I want to mention is what if community separates and all complainers and soft people stay on retail just because they couldn’t pass to level 10-15 because it is too ‘‘slow’’ for them (it is not about how slow it is, it is really about how impatient they are that they can’t even reach to max level and experience game in another way rather then rushing toward end game).

You might think I am classic fan and I am here just to troll, but really what if wotlk succeeds, what is future for classic and retail too? Do we see changes in retail then or we just play separate games? I am really wondering, so any suggestions please take them in comments, but no offensive stuff because no dev going to respect fighting between 2 or 3 people and they will just going to give up reading, please let it be about this topic only.


i did it back the days, i did tbc back in the days, so not playing that as well.

I did play classic even if i played it back in the days, because i had to take revenge on naxx as i didnt clear it back in the day. that being said.

PLay what ever game u want, as long as u find meaning and joy in it.


Yes but with all these complaints about new design with retail I find classic to suit them as best choice, you see because of gameplay and how it is designed to fit gameplay. Yes it takes time to level up and do professions but if you take it easy at your own pace you will enjoy it more rather then finishing your stuff within few hours, classic adventure is like no other game has, lets be clear about it… When did you stumble into someone in retail in open world and asked for help or to group up, and then for next 5 hours you would play with that person and gank opposing faction and even played with him as you added him in friend list for months later, you would know a lot of good people and you would meet virtual friends every time you go in open world. In retail everyone is doing his bussiness, there is no social experience at all, people rarely chat in dungeons and before dungeons, it is really like that, you have to understand I was on retail since cataclysm (I played classics on pservers and then classic series again) and I have been playing non stop since cata, and there I can notice how people act in classic and in retail, ofc there are competitive elitist on both sides, but people tend to be more social when low tier content is ‘‘hard’’, yes it was hard yet simple so that everyone can finish it, there were no special mechanics and that stuff but mobs hit hard and thats why i call it as hard, because you had to heal very hard in dungeons and you needed to outplay mobs in open world in order to kill them as efficient as you can so you dont waste more time on eating food.


If WotLK succeeds it’s good for retail as well, the game needs to cater to fun. 9.2 is a great start but difficulty of encounters needs to drop and the top-heavy focus of the entire community needs to be dialed back a bit.


In my opinion what’s most needed is adventure like game that classic offers, where you would sustain your character with all kind of farming routines in order to do PVE/PVP content. I would add something to retail like hunters have to farm ammo to sustain character, rogues herbs and all kind of stuff to brew posions, and so on for every class somethign specific + on top of that 10 farming routines that are not hyper farms like skinning in korthia, lets be clear of that, aoe farming is sickness, people do it for sake of buying tokens, not because it is fun, nor it is relaxing, you just do it hyper fast in order to get as many tokens and that creates impatience in players because of that zoomer vibe. get rid of shared loot and skinning please.

The Classic versions generally go like this, huge surge of interest, exciting first few months, then once it goes up against a Retail release/patch etc some interest is lost. Players come back for the rose tinted glasses and enjoy replaying their nostalgic trip, get bored and stop. Some lose interest after a few raids. Some will stick through it all and there are usually enough of those to make the game feel busy and populated enough. At the start of any new Classic game various layers are needed to keep the game functioning, within a certain time span those layers are no longer needed as the playing population actually balances out. Realm sizes are larger than back in the day so they should be at healthy numbers at the end of that cycle. Balance however is totally down to the playerbase.

WotLKC will be fine, just like it’s predecessors when they launched, the previous Classic versions usually suffer when the new Classic expansion is added.

No Classic game has ever managed to make Retail feel empty and that’s not it’s aim. If anything it’s usually come at a time people are bored and looking for something to do.

I will never understand why some people always want to make it a competition. It’s all WoW, whether you play Retail or a Classic version or both.


Yes, that is true what you said but what if people understand that retail design is really bad, like really.
Let me tell you an example:
New zone, new world quests (they are fine), new dailys (they are fine) and new rares (total garbage, because you would g oto X point of map and kill rare with 0 gameplay, usually they don’t even need to be tanked, they are so easy, that you don’t need healer at all, they are not even rare because there are plenty and there are always some rares that are up so it doesn’t feel anything special or adventure like wilderness as it was back in the day.), treasures (yet another failure of open world content, just because they don’t feel rare at all it feels like looter shooter game as it does feel with rares), and every new zone is designed to be like that, nothing special in it to feel like adventure game with ‘‘empty’’ spaces on map where you would sense that wilderness in open world, today every corner of map is designed to feel like it is used for certain quest or something something, which is not really RPG when you look at it from adventure like perspective, pure RPG maps are vanilla maps and that’s how world should feel.
Another failure is hyper zoomer farming routines - it’s just so bad that normal person can’t do it at all, and I think even people that do it do it as chore because they need to do it in order to sustain character and buy game time. To fix that we would need farming routines like classic had, without aoe farming and that BS, we need non sharable loot and nodes /skinning and that should fix it.
Lvling is a joke now and it doesnt feel adventure like, because it is too easy (scaling of mobs is bad because you can pull 10 mobs and kill them all with few spells , even with bad gear… where on other hand in classic it is dangerous to pull 2 mobs, or if u pull 3 u would die, so it always keeps interest in players when it comes to combat because you would watch ur hp and try to outplay mobs so u are on good HP portion so you dont need to eat after every pull.
And after all community that will split and realize true potential of classic RPG game, I wonder what will happen if wotlk rlllly succeeds and community splits into 2 sides, who will be left in retail in a game without soul almost, where you don’t feel adventure at all because of its design in open world.

People have been trying to say that since Classic started. It’s just not the case. The only thing that will ever kill Retail is Retail itself :laughing:

Clearly you are very much looking forward to Wrath Classic and that’s fantastic. I hope it’s everything you wish for and more! Are you going to play Alliance or Horde? Do you play PvP realms or Normal? Or are you an RPer?

One of the things I always notice coming back to Retail after playing any of the Classic games is how much the game has changed over the years and the simplest things we take for granted in Retail didn’t exist back then.


To be honest I want retail to feel good as it was in vanilla wow, I don’t like idea of all this convenience and design in open world, it just feels like a game and not like second life as it used to feel… BUT I look forward to retail more then wotlk

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I wish you use paragraphs more often makes your post easier to read.

Classic had more than retail now dead
Classic TBC had more than retail now dead
Classic SoM had more than retail now dead

Wotlk will have more than retail for a year + than die its how they work stop forcing your view as facts i have proved you wrong so many times in last 2 days.


The problem is that for players like me that would kill my interest in WoW if it became like any classic version.

Retail is by no means perfect.


Like this expac they tried with elements of classic and has not worked big example the loot system.

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Well i believe everyone has different tastes and it’s impossible to make everyone happy but they could still you know make changes that includes retail and classic stuff you know best of both worlds.

Because it all comes down to what the majority likes and not few individuals.

Thing is in WoW there is no majority the playerbase is spread into so many different slice’s and they can not cater for all.


Honestly wish they would Catter to all because it would fix this divide that we have nowadays.

But of course i know it’s impossible just wishing the best you know.


Exactly and any older style things they’ve reintroduced into retail are complained about. They brought back some dailies so they aren’t WQs, people complain, they changed the tagging and stopped some quest objectives being shared/multi tap, people complain.


Oh dont get me started on the new type daily with 2 million different steps and not shared in group :frowning:


It won’t, it will look just like what the classic realms look like atm after some time;


Ah man that sucks that it’s not shared :disappointed:.

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People that complain about non sharable things and dailys are the worst kind wow community has, I mean why do you even bother playing mmorpg games if you don’t want to grind the s out of yourself?