WHAT in the world is this Havoc gameplay? atrocious man

i played demonhunter from legion till SL s1 and stopped for other classes.

I recently releveled and regeared my demonhunter mainly as vengeance which plays good ( although tuned lower than i wish ) and decided to re-learn havoc also as i was playing it for a long time.

WOAH , what a terrible terrible surprise that was. What is wrong with this gameplay? who designed this viscious and atrocious gameplay? between falling off from boss areas , fel rushing into bad stuff or actively unable to felrush due to either body pulling or hitting into dangerous mechanics, this is unfun man . this is pure overdesigned nonsenseā€¦ and i mained this class for literal expansions .

is there a rework in sight? everyone back then hated momentum builds , and everyone avoided momentum like plague but now its even worseā€¦ your damage windows are in inertia? man cmon please fix asap . this is ridiculus


They abandoned this class. Even talent ā€œlost in darknessā€ is not working for 4 years.

I donā€™t mind the gameplay but having a carefully sequenced 20 button rotation to do the worst single target DPS of any class is atrocious.

If I need an Engineer Degree to play the damn class at least make it good. Other classes keyboard smash and beat our DPS.

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