What is a PCU?

I’m not intimidating you.
I am stating that you’ve made a fool of yourself on previous threads and spent a good 1000 posts doing the same here - and I never said the thread caused the struggle you face IRL.

It is actually a result of your IRL situation that you shouldn’t repeat the same mistake you did yesterday on the forums.

“Good and bad on both sides” is something we are all aware of and just because you repeat the same obvious thing we all agree with won’t win you anything.

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Everytime I see that piece, I wish we had that hairstyle in game.

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Me too :sob:

Let me put pretty bows in my girl’s hair Blizzard, I’m begging!


Im not trying to win anything, if anything implying its all non PCU is an attempt to win imo, Im just making it clear to the OP who wishes to know, that yes, plenty of people on the forums…some PCU included, and some non PCU members (Myself) have said things they shouldnt in the past, and Im not lying when I say that, I’m not trying to repeat the same mistake, if I was I would be making out its all the PCU’s fault and the people I clubbed together at times as a “forum group”, which Im not doing, I’m just stating a fact here, that yes regardless of being PCU or otherwise, plenty people here say things they shouldnt at times, I’m not lying.

oh fantastic were going back to the whole “PCU this, PCU that” argument?
please someone ash this thread already

Guy is just worse entertainment than el presidente of days old at this point.

I honestly need one like that with my character too lmao.
It’s just too good.

PCU stands for Perroy’s Cinematic Universe. They’re a guild of guilds who all roleplay together. They will still talk and interact with you as a roleplayer, but their roleplay events are planned so the relevant guilds partake. It’s really not that deep.

It’s not as cool as Bee’s Cool Union (BCU), but they’re OK I guess :wink:

Every community has good and bad eggs, as demonstrated in this thread. For example, Berach is not a member of the PCU.

My best advice is to seek PCUers out for yourself and form your own opinion. But please treat them as individuals, because they’re not a hivemind under a leader’s control. There are some wonderful people in these guilds.


OP doesn’t need you to make it “clear” - that has been done over the course of 2000 posts (among the sheißeposts)
You’ve only chimed back in to counter what I had to say about the people having a mental breakdown on the forums who act PCU are some form of evil illuminati trying to steal your souls (THIS IS NOT TRUE BY THE WAY, WE DO NOT HAVE A LUNAR BASE OR INSTALLED 5G TO MINDCONTROL YOU)

Take a break from the forums, you’re not in a good spot, Sig. You’re only damaging yourself.

We shall see

Well its not nice to be implied that I may be some kinda crazy guy just because Ive disagreed with some things that was said about me and was equally just as provocative back, so yes your right, that is why I decided to comment, I agree I dont wish to be arguing while Im in this spot right now, but I also dont want to be branded as some crazy guy anymore, is that not fair Woebloom? I apologised and I also forgave those who apologised, I dont wish for some “crazy” brand to follow me

2k posts wtf did I miss except the usual spats

I scrolled up, read a Spanish soap opera and basically gave up on catching up on it.


I never called you crazy. The nutters I am on about are people like Revanvulf who jumped in last night and started lashing out at everyone (most of which were none PCU)

So no. Your last posts were completely unnecessary. You imagined something that wasn’t there.

Sigtryggr being Sigtrygg and Galford being a transphobe, I think those are the ‘highlights’.


Galford’s transphobic chatter.

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And throwing out 2010 tier insults like ‘Furry’.

Which is hardly an insult in this day and age lmfao.

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:grimacing: transphobia? seriously?

We’re all as disappointed as you, honestly.

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I guess what either camp(s) can agree on is the fact that a prime example of a bad apple is a certain Horse Lord who really shouldn’t be given anymore credit than given.
The antics are just not worth the energy, but I guess for some harassement is a hobby so it’s why it’s kind of good his words hold no merrit besides :clown_face: points


Well more fool me for assuming I was lumped in, I think its understandable to assume such as I’ve been implied as crazy/mentally ill before, my apologies, I just dont wish to be lumped into some group of crazies, thank you for clarifying it wasnt directed also at me.

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