What is a PCU?

That means a lot, truly :heart:

Although if publicly calling out bad behaviour is bullying, then imagine running a whole blog dedicated to it.


It’s only bullying if you are PCU clearly(which is not decided by you).


Endangered species privilege.


Maybe if people stop being so down-right vile (like ERPing as/with children, making horrid statements about laws in one’s country, transphobic remarks, racist comments, false accusations etc.) then we wouldn’t have to call them out!


Clearly, it’s all just false propaganda as a means to police roleplay!

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That’s what us PCUers do! Because apparently we’re all PCU now.

Never been in the PCU? You’re PCU. Left the PCU? Still PCU. Your neighbour? PCU informant.

Y’know, when I was in Grim Gest (all them years ago), I could’ve swore my juice tasted funny. I think it must’ve been the mind control serum they slipped in there when I wasn’t looking.


I was in Assemblage of Uld for like two weeks, and I guess that was already enough to cause indoctrination.

Especially since I roleplayed with them more after that as well.


I haven’t roleplayed for years. Dang, the irony. I roleplay at least once a week, so I guess the editor of that trash bin of a website doesn’t Roleplay; smells like projection

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I was in a RP-PvP campaign way back in BfA with them whilst I was in a non PCU merc guild, we were in Nazmir.

My rogue punched one of the Rotgarde IC and I guess I was infected with the PCU mind control ever since.

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I have a decent moral compass.

That’s enough to contract PCU.

Get vaxxed, kids.

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reminds me of a certain caravan and someone my guild lead was friend with.
meh, they are now in that “Epsilon” thingy so…

Neither have I apparently, despite being at the Nightborne market event.

Probably go to the Thunderbluff one that’s coming up too.


Someone take screenshots so we can prove Cro’s existence please.


Gonna give it a look, since there is litteraly nothing intresting in these days. :confused:

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Well you be careful lovely, because they’re putting chemicals in the water that turns the friggen roleplayers into PCU.


mhhh, you sure they won’t send someone to dismantle me on the spot? just to be sure.
or hack my system into being PCU, either of the two.

Here, take this:

01010000 01100101 01110010 01110010 01101111 01111001 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01101011 01101001 01101110 01100100 01100001 00100000 01101000 01101111 01110100 00100000 01101110 01100111 01101100


you just wrote “Perroy is kinda hot ngl” LOL.

I don’t know what you’re talking about.

i’ve partecipated to a world wide treasure hunt, i deciphered ALOT of secret messages, the one u just sent was simple task!