GCU - The Only Universe Unknown to CoAD™
Yoink. Mine now.
What about… CMUC? Community Universal Cooperation
Sorry but the only three letter organisation I pledge allegiance to is the CCP
Daily reminder China will grow larger
The Bible, in which one woman’s consent paves the way for the salvation of the whole world and exalts her above all the rest of creation - whither ‘default gender’?
The MC-
Hey wait a minute…
That is unfortunate someone’s already taken the M
I guess I have to take the L then
And make it an LCU.
Ah, a fellow C&C Generals Player. Well met!
Yeah, the same Bible where women are an afterthought spawned from a rib.
Same, truly. Me 1v1 camming people was an interesting take on life
(yo nera wanna come to s-skype for f-fun? O_O)
Imagine thinking this is a good take.
It is…
To them.
If there are any Goldshire RPers with the maturity and awareness to create sophisticated, consistent characters, that’s more of an indictment of the player than assuming they’re an incoherent mess.
It’s quite alarming if there are some seemingly respectable and “normal” players lurking in that cesspit. And I bet there are a few…
Might I suggest the PSA instead? The Penguin Secret Agency is full of untapped potential
Where the F is your hat.
It’s a mistake to read Genesis 2 without the context of Genesis 1. The account of Genesis 2, in which we find the story of the rib, is an allegorical telling of the creation story: in it, we find talking snakes, a God who walks in the garden, and man made from dust. It expresses the same profound truths as Genesis 1, which gives the properly cosmic and ‘theological’ perspective to creation which we’ve become used to in our scientific age. Man and woman are made in the same moment, complementary to one another. This complementarity is inherent to human nature itself, since it provides the continuity of our species (ST I q. 98 a. 1). There can be no creation of man without woman, no creation of woman without man.
If ever there were any better proof that womanhood was always in the creative mind of God, look to Proverbs 8. Wisdom (referred to in the feminine) has been read by the Church in numerous ways, chiefly as the Person of Jesus Christ. But the Church has also read this as a figure of the person of Mary (Scheeben, Mariology, 1946, p. 22-35). The virtue of creaturely wisdom was always destined to find its heights in the greatest and wisest of God’s creations, the Blessed Virgin Mary, who pre-existed in his mind even before the creation of the world, before Genesis 1 or Genesis 2.
Have we entered the bible posting hours of the thread now?
Is this another saga in the threads history?
And there you have it.
Perhaps this is the segue to the abortion topic.