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^ what alannyse said. ive had traveller friends when i was in school, mad lads were wicked into oblivion. my man your arguments are weaker than any potato comment
Hard to remember something that didnt occur
Weird + L + ratio + u r in ur moms basement
Galford refuses to apologise for his wrong doings, so he calls everyone around his paedos. That’s kind of a staple now
I wouldn’t know about if he’s a dragon rper or not - I judge him based on his argumentations he uses to argue against PCU and how bad it is, which just involves illuminati and hivemind thinking. Idk if he sorts reddit on the highest views and takes arguments from there or he is actually delusional
I mean yeah, go right away. I don’t agree with it either and think it’s nonsense.
-20000 social credit score please prepare for re-education
You’re literally getting super upset cuz I made a comment saying it was sad that other players identify with another players name
You mean… Zaphius just admitted to harrasing me by checking me on checkpvp?
Two people I played League with in Uni are my gypsie classmates from High School. Since they moved around quite a bit, as their family lived in a caravan that moved around the country as part of a fair, this was one of the few ways I could keep in contact with them as they were ultimately wholesome people.
I similarly can’t imagine them wasting their time like this. I must be raycist now too.
Yeah thats me, I get super upset when some GoT nobody said something incoherent once more
Yet that nobody is the guy you seemingly follow into every thread, read all his posts on AA and follow most endeavours he commits in character, whilst also simultaneously accusing that guy of doxxing and everything else on the table
You need to calm it down valteryl
The Jarl of Dunhere is Norseman and LotR, I’ll have you know. But only Rohan.
(there’s elves in lotr)
You’re demanding to know an information about them that they might not want to reveal themselves. And, once again, nobody is obliged to reveal it or do the work for you.
You know it’s getting bad when you look at the replying section and it’s mostly human characters
I dont even know ur char’s name lol, dont give yourself too much credit
Sure :kappa:
If they are lying about the amount of people posting then it would be just as easy for them to omit names from the list. In other words them providing a list would just be another opportunity to gaslight if that’s what you believe they are doing.
Oh, I know this one!
Perroy RPed with his dragon commander once and said it was boring.
Boy’s had a chip on his shoulder since
Aeilmar more like wailmar
no hes actually 14
Whats wrong with bros confiding in each other over hours long discord calls? Sure he wails a lot but bros can take it yannow?