What is a PCU?

He’s wrong anyway, I am subbed and probably going to sub again next month.

I wouldn’t worry. You clearly don’t have any.

Not even shocked we got to the “I am losing the argument, time to go mask off and be a vile human being”
I’m shocked it took 10 hours.

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You’ve done that perfectly yourself tbh.

Then argue my points:

Where’s the line drawn?

Should children be doing this?

How is not facing your real voice beneficial from a psychological stand point of view?

What’s the difference between a voice changer being used, and a camera filter which alters your appearance for same purposes on a video call?

How is this not deception?

What is your definition of deception?

His first post in this thread in the first place was something about bad the “woke left” is.

True, I forgor :skull:

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You trying to act like people haven’t argued your points.

I knew you were an evil robot!

I love how woke started being used as a lame insult for people that just hate those that are different to them.

They haven’t nor have you ever argued anything lol, gtfo alt gabrindion

an opposition that can’t debate without resorting to low blows and trying to tear emotions

On the topic of ‘emotional arguing’, here’s a quote I stumbled over years ago that I really love to keep in mind:

When you debate a person about something that affects them more than it affects you, remember that it will take a much greater emotional toll on them than on you. For you it may feel like an academic exercise. For them, it feels like revealing their pain only to have you dismiss their experience and sometimes their humanity. The fact that you might remain more calm under these circumstances is a consequence of your privilege, not increased objectivity on your part.


If you think I’m going to be silenced by an angry mob of forum posters when I feel that encouraging something like voice changers is good for the mind, then you’re very wrong.

Identity is identity and accepting it is more important, even if it takes changes cosmetically or through hormonal treatment

Digital identity is not real, you cannot match the voice changer so it shouldn’t be used as a coping mechanism

But wouldn’t you consider that deception?

I love how me being an “alt” is all the dirt you have on me.

What qualifies you to tell people what is good for the mind, exactly?


Very simple honestly, it’s drawn at using it for nefarious purposes. If someone isn’t, then it’s not a problem.

Children goofing around with a voice-module with friends is not the end of the world. Context matters. WoW is also as stated many times, a 12+ game, so people should always keep that in mind when interacting on WoW. Don’t assume everyone is an adult.

Because people are different, and it might be more beneficial to some people.

Neither is inherently evil, and we don’t have master technology that makes it so people can perfectly impersonate someone etc. It’s harmless mostly unless the individual specifically has nefarious intentions. Then the fault is the individual.

See above.

When the intention behind is to deceive someone for a nefarious deed, not the tool.

What qualifies me, the fact that the obsession of the self causes more bad characteristics than good.

He browses r/psychology.

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That does not qualify you.

Oh, OK.

You’re not a licensed psychologist, or have any experience with the treatment and management of a person’s mental health. Maybe don’t talk about topics you’re not qualified to speak on.

And based on your viewpoint, you clearly don’t have any mental health concerns of your own. You literally don’t know what you’re talking about in any capacity.

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If it alleviates dysphoria or protects them from harassment, yes.

You are. You don’t hear the voice filter, as people have pointed out like a dozen times now.

There isn’t one but you’re arguing that both of these things are inherently bad when they aren’t.

Because trans people aren’t using it to pretend to be something they’re not, it’s used for protection.

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