I think way to many ppl baited each other in this thread. ![:laughing: :laughing:](https://d1bg94bbsh66ji.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/laughing.png?v=6")
But on it’s multiple topics (It’s long as always, so get comfy):
True World PvPer in WoW - is just someone who does WPvP in any form, and more than they play in any other mode in this game. That’s it. Just as WPvP itself is a thing without rules, regulations and limitations - there is no rules, regulations or limitations to be WPvPer - just do it more and enjoy it more, than any other part of the game.
Being a better WPvPer - that is a different question tho.
Morally better is very subjective argument since “Homosapiens vs Neanderthals” - we all live here rn just because they were ganking many vs one. And I truly believe they were better “WPvPers” because they were smarter.
Then we have gladiator pits, knights in shiny armors and duels with glove slaps, etc, non of which could be objectively judged about anything moral, only subjective opinions “who feels better about what”.
Then we have Wars, where soldiers fight against enemy soldiers, and moral and honor have different criteria.
So you see - it’s all very situational and subjective.
In a game - pick whatever makes you feel better and have more fun and go with it. Anything goes in WPvP. Here is the only parallel with RL - don’t expect others to follow same rules and limitations you’ve made for yourself, no matter how reasonable and “right” you think they are.
For example, I have a "rule" for myself (click)
From the first day I played WoW back in 2005 - I don’t gank lowbies. I just don’t see a point of doing that. For me there is no pleasure in it, and they don’t even drop anything. At least boars in Elvin Forest drop meat that I can sell on AH for lowbies to lvl their cooking.
When I’m a part of a gank group in current content, I don’t attack players of a lower lvl, and if I accidentally tab-target them in a heat of a battle and throw a spell - I switch immediately. The only exeption for this rule - is that if player in current content lvl-range attacks me first or helps max-lvl player I fight with - they are gone.
But that is just a rule I have for myself, for my own fun, and not to impose some kind of behavior on others, or expect it, or judge them. Well, make fun of them - yeah, probably. I don’t mind if someone attacks lower-lvl players, it’s kinda fun, even if I feel sorry for them.
With this, better at playing - that is something different.
All those old PvP videos are not about honor or dishonor - they are a show of skill, and sometimes comedy. That is what’s the most appealing in those videos - someone is so good that they can 1vN and win.
WPvP is very good to show this individual skill, because it gives possibilities to use whatever you want - professions, items, surrounding terrain, NPCs, mobs, etc. So better WPvPers are players who not only know how to play their class/spec, but also use whatever they can in their advantage and know how to do it.
To be or not to be in a group: - Who cares if it’s fun for you.
Having fun with fights of skill - go solo.
Having fun of wrecking everything - go in group.
Having fun in tactics and strategy of group vs group - go for it.
It’s not about honor or whatever until you make it so, for yourself.
Anything goes in WPvP.
For example, I do solo roams ~50% of the time (click)
But not because it’s honorable or “true” or anything like that.
Because I still play WoW like it’s a mmoRPG with a huge open world, and I want to have that unscripted sandbox adventure with PvP in it.
It’s a game, it’s for fun. But if you want to project some IRL stuff in it - it doesn’t mean that everybody else are doing the same.
And with this, we came to a main course - Promoting 5v1 and/or 1v5.
Promoting any group content in MMO is all good. It’s a MMO.
I like an idea about “Blood Coins”, but not exactly like posted.
Since these “Blood Coins”, in this idea, are used to buy something important for your character, and rewarded on KB - it means that:
If you can get them only when not in group, then it goes against MMO itself. Don’t like it at all, it’s not a single-player game. It’s a limitation for WPvP, and it’s not suppose to have any.
If when in group it cannot be traded with other players in the same group (like items in dungeons/raids can be traded with those who were in a party in a time of kill), then it’s also bad, because that awesome healer who is not really able to get KBs, but saved my life and that allowed me to land my KB - deserve this coin no less than I do.
That’s why I only like one part where “is a currency to buy PvP gear”.
Plus - we already have Conquest, and completely useless Honor points. I don’t think we need more.
But to make some sort of kill-count for WPvP,
- and then give ability to cash out these kills for Conquest,
- solo kills (when no other player attacked your target) give you more Conquest
- while group kills give you less
and then Conquest as a currency, vendor…
This kind of approach I think would work to promote solo, without disruption of groups, as an essential part of MMO.