I have so many questions for you guys.
-Is killing a solo player with a full group of people a dishonorable action? (im not asking if it should be allowed, ofcourse it should, im asking if its dishonorable)
-Does a true world pvp’er plays solo?
Blizzard is God in this virtual world.
And the “incentives” Blizzard give provoke chain reactions of player actions that shape the world.
And right now Blizzard is promoting groups of people killing solo players.
This is not right IMO
Because a true respectful world PvP’er plays SOLO.
It has been like this since WoW was born.
I grew up on machinima World PvP videos. The guys who made the videos were my heroes as a kid playing this game.
One thing i learned from them is that a true world pvp’er plays SOLO VS MANY.
So in my opinion, Blizzard, as Gods of this virtual world, should implement systems that promote SOLO world pvp play.
If anyone at Blizzard’s HQ was a true world PvP’er they should know this already.
A timeless isle Blood Coin system where ONLY the person who gives the killing blow gets the currency is something that could be healthy for the world pvp scene.
It could still be abused but it should promote more solo play in general imo.
What do you guys think about this?
Im not saying “group pvp” should be banished or even punished in any way. It can be much fun when done right but right now people are just ganging up on solo players for quick rewards.
A Blood Coin reward structure not only would give Horde players something to do (and a reason to be less salty about the Alliance only quest) but it would also promote “healthy world pvp” which is 1v1 or 1v2 or even 1v3.
Most people usually choose the lighter way to accomplish their goals … and PVP in grp is more easy than solo… They will continue doing it unless they have no other choice.
However i am against forcing people playing solo … this os MMOrpg anyway.
Is killing solo playzer by group dishonorable? No, i dont think so.
However one think i would change is, put a timer on the WM switch… for example you can turn on/off the warmode only once in 24 or 48 hours, than you have to wait the amount of time to change it.
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No it’s not a dishonorable action.
In the first tv commercials, they stated “bring your friends into Azeroth” - that means that you can play every aspect of the game with more than just yourself.
Also pvp - and the pvp scene is only different from other games in the form that you can group up with more than 5 - 8 - 15 players… you can have an entire army of friends playing against other people.
You do confuse me with one thing:
Well this means that soemone has to be in a groups for the true pvp’er to be born right? ![:confused: :confused:](https://d1bg94bbsh66ji.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/confused.png?v=12)
I mainly play pvp solo, it’s not because I’m a hardcore pvp’er or a true respectful one - it’s just how it is.
When I join group it’s fun and gags, there is no other reason to join a group other than that.
But there is no game with healthy pvp, as long as real people (and not Skynet) is playing the chars, you will always end up with situations where some can smack a group attack back, and some can’t, because of reasons.
And playing as a group (even in pvp) is also a difficult task, and very rewarding in other ways when you can work together properly ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](https://d1bg94bbsh66ji.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/slight_smile.png?v=12)
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How do you guys believe its not a dishonorable action? ![:open_mouth: :open_mouth:](https://d1bg94bbsh66ji.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/open_mouth.png?v=6")
Its many people ganging up on one.
It is dishonorable in every way and form…even in real life!
Ofcourse is dishonorable ![:frowning: :frowning:](https://d1bg94bbsh66ji.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/frowning.png?v=6")
How many pvp games have you played?
Most of then is about working as a group, this is no different.
I know what vids you have seen, but they have never inspired me to pvp and I don’t follow that code.
If I’m alone I pvp alone, if I’m in a group I pvp in a group.
Nothing weird or strange about it
No it is not dishonorable.
In real life it happens all the time, the difference is only that in real life noone questions it, because the sole goal si survive and win.
Dishonorable kill would be to kill someone who is not a part of the war. But you as a soldier of alliance or horde with WM on are part of it.
Beeing better (in pvp, forming a group, beeing smarter - bringing friends is not dishonorable)
Sorry for what im about to tell you…there is no easy way of putting this ![:smiley: :smiley:](https://d1bg94bbsh66ji.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/smiley.png?v=6")
But your sense of Honor is messed up.
You are no true Samurai
Not a true World PvP’er
You sir are an Assassin
a murderer
It seems like I forgot - the weekend is here ![:expressionless: :expressionless:](https://d1bg94bbsh66ji.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/expressionless.png?v=6")
Damm you, you got me with this one
When i remmember correctly … samurais are long gone, dead … lets guess why? ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](https://d1bg94bbsh66ji.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/slight_smile.png?v=12)
i corrected it for you:
You sir are an survivor
a winner
(Not realy my case - I get my asss kicked constantly
- I just dont cry about it ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](https://d1bg94bbsh66ji.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/slight_smile.png?v=12)
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Oh no, plz dont take me the wrong way ![:open_mouth: :open_mouth:](https://d1bg94bbsh66ji.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/open_mouth.png?v=6")
Im not complaining in any way or form
I love all kinds of World PvP.
Many people, few people, duels etc, i love them all
I just think…“solo” world pvp should be more promoted by Blizzard…because in my eyes its what “true” world pvp is all about.
Just watch any good World PvP video…they are all the same.
1 guy VS many.
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Plus i have to add one thing … it is realy irony beeing accused of beeing assasin and murderer by a Rogue
![:smiley: :smiley:](https://d1bg94bbsh66ji.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/smiley.png?v=6)
I think we can agree that PVP is fun, a lot of times even if loosing the fight. But i dont think that using all the advantages one has, to win the fight is dishonorable.
Solo pvp in open world is more often only the exeption from the rule. As i allready said, this is MMOrpg and it should not be about solo play. If you want a fair 1v1… well you have duels.
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My two cents…
A true wpvper does pvp just because they enjoy the challenge, rewards should be secondary to a wpvper.
All forms of wpvp are fun to a true wpvper, because they want to experience everything in wpvp.
A true wpvper does not rp about honour, that’s for rp’ers.
A true wpvper believes wm is an anything goes no rules pvp environment.
A true wpvper kills on sight.
That’s what I consider a wpvper, no limits pvp. 1v1, 3v2, 3v40, 40v3, 20v20, 20v10, 10v20, etc.
5v1 is true PvP?
Its not a dishonorable action? Really? Not even real life hints tell you anything?
Look…im not saying Blizzard should forbid this action (ganging up on people)
But talk to me like a real life person plz…
Is this not a dishonorable action?
Give it to me straight.
I support all kinds of PvP…but plz tell me you know 5 people ganging up on one is dishonorable…
Correct, wm is anything goes, there are no rules. Honour is irrelevant. This is not real life, it’s a game. RL does not apply. In other pvp games it’s kill or be killed, kill on sight. That is wpvp. Whatever can happen, should happen. You can rp and make up rules if you want, but astonishing to expect others to know or care about your made up rules.
I love wm, I want to do it all. 1v1 is most fun, knowing that another 10 could show up any sec. Groups are fun too. Killing sprees are awesome. Love it or leave it.
If you read the post, im not asking for group content to be removed.
Im asking for 1 vs many to be incentivized by Blizzard via Blood Coins where only the person with the killing blow gets the kill…and world pvp vendors to spend the coins.
All you people think you know what World PvP is all about…you have no idea what WPvP is all about.
I grew up with World PvP videos.
World PvP video creators were my heroes as a kid playing this game.
True World PvP is not this SLAUGHTER we have today!!!
Of many VS one.
Farmed like animals for easy rewards.
i refuse
And now, see if you can survive in this wrong world ![:japanese_ogre: :japanese_ogre:](https://d1bg94bbsh66ji.cloudfront.net/en/wow/images/emoji/twitter/japanese_ogre.png?v=12)
((damm you, I got baited again
This is a slaughter…this is not world pvp at its finest…
This is not good wine to be tasted and spit.
This is 50 cent beer.
In RL, two groups meet in a shot out, one has 10 man, other has 4 man. Should the 10 man group order 6 man to put their guns down so it is "honorable and fair battle? Are you seriosly saying this? Ofcourse not! The 10 man group will probable call in an airstrike to wipe out all the enemys … at the end of the day they will live and their enemy not - and THEY will be aplauded as heroes. … Thats the real life.
Well. maybe thats the problem. PVP videos doeas not reflect the real game. And the game does not reflect the real world.