What is a ward?

What is WARD everyone in the LFG for raids is asking for?
you have to know ward.
you have to have ward.
link ward.

Every raid from terrace to orgrimmar, you have to know, have and link ward.
what ward?

i have a 70 character, with trinkets and rings, but no necklace.
90% of gems are legendary.

Ward of Salvation is a meta gem for your helm.

You hit boss and then Salv the nominated tank, usually the one that is not tanking the boss, then everyone pumps healing into that tank while salv is active.

When it expires all the overhealing explodes from that tank into the boss and does huge damage.


But what if im a hunter, am i supposed to run like full healing Tinkers to try and heal or something?

You hit the boss once, then salve the tank then carry on dpsing and enjoy the fact you have no healing abilities.

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Music to my ears

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Thanks for your reply.
So a gem everyone will have sooner or later.
I’m sure i had all meta, cogwheel and tinker gems before reaching level 70.


Today, we say goodbye to the ward, another loss for MoP Remix.

It is nothing now.