What is enchanting 'Insight of the Blue' tree like?

Thinking of dropping skinning for another prof and looking at enchanting as a semi-gathering profession with its insight tree, has anyone gone that route and able to say what its like?

Disenchanting is as frustrating as any other profession.

Disenchanting is horrible. With cloth unraveling, the UI shows you what you are likely to get, but with disenchanting, it’s just a black box and the results are generally a lot worse than the vendor value of the item. I disenchanted about half a dozen epics and mostly just got vibrant shards and exactly one resonant crystal.

I read that the insight tree is a complete waste. I did take it as a second though (just before I disenchanted the epics) and have been getting extra disenchantable loot here and there (maybe one per hour, so not much and they just DE-ed into dust).

The price of vibrant shards is dropping all the time and it’s probably because disenchanting epics creates so many of them.

Most enchants sell for 5g, which is great for anyone buying enchants, but the enchanted usually spends about 100g materials to make the enchant. Everyone is skilling up and the skill-up enhcants end up in the AH. I’ve bought most of the enchants I used because it’s just so much cheaper.

With the random nature of the results, enchanting gear directly seems absolutely pointless. You always enchant a vellum and then decide what do with it. (Make another one or buy a better one from the AH.)

Also, for some reason you can’t buy materials for an enchant and use the crafting order system to have it put on a vellum (or item for that matter). The only enchanting items in the system are things like wands and toys. I think they just need to drop the vellums and always create an item with enchanting (or make the vellums mandatory, but that seems silly too).

Thanks for the answers, appreciat4e it

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