What is even the point of fire spec?

It’s not correct. Pop combustion at the start of every fight, and it doesn’t matter whether or not your precast crit (meaning you procced heating up). Here’s a picture demonstrating it: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/524387813060247553/606533890080899083/bm_combustion.png
There are different setups there, and which one you should follow depends on the following: Do you have lucid dreams as your main essence, and do you have the mechagon bracers (the ones that give you cd reduction on your last 3 abilities)? For example, if you have lucid major, go with “lucid major with BM” bm means blaster master, which is the trait you should be stacking as well. Then the 2 different rotations on each one are the ones where your precast crit and where it didn’t crit.

That’s a pretty rough way of showing the combustion rotation, but it should get you far. Obviously your procs could be so good that you’ll do it differently, but that’s how it generally goes. Also, join the mage discord channel for more resources like this (and guides) and to ask questions in the text channels: https://discord.gg/makGfZA.


Only one to play fire for fun and that’s with Pyroclasm, that spell is soo satisfying to cast when you get it off.

I been playing Fire spec for like 5 days now and the point is to burn your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women! I like it!


But the question is: Why play Fire when Frost deal the same damage. Reverse question can be easily anwered by saying CC~ they have perma slow :sweat_smile:

I will level Fire because staves are annoying and Felomelorn is a fancy looking sword but if this spec is only a flavor pick then we need something like root/fear chance to compensate or bigger DMG like OP mentioned.

IMO its a reasonable concern~

Okey folks, im really trying to make fire spec works. But at very best Im getting 20k max. So, unless im doing something very veeeeery wrong (which is very possible), im starting to think that my reccount is broken or something. Because SimulationCraft shows that my current setup supposed to do 34278 dps. Which dps meter you using?

Fun fact. I’ve been farting icicles since I went full blast frost mage. Those fartsicles are doing good dmg. Everyone says so.

Lol. It’s so easy though your just fishing for procs same as frost :yum::kissing_heart:

Maybe your not blasting during casts?

It’s probably not broken, you just don’t know how to play fire. Are your numbers based on single target? If so, I already know what you’re doing wrong: you’re not using combustion correctly. You could do everything else perfectly, but if you don’t know how to combust properly, you won’t do any dps as fire.

Here is an image that tells you what you’re supposed to do (roughly) during a combustion: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/524387813060247553/606533890080899083/bm_combustion.png. Master that and you’ll already be in an okayish position. Obviously there is more to it, and that image is not correct 100% of the time, but it shows you the basics of combustion for different setups and from there you can probably start to work out what you could improve upon.

This picture can be easily replaced by couple of words - “basic idea is to spam fireblast+pyroblast inside your combustion while poping up all CD’s”. But thx for trying to help. Problem is not in spamming 2(3) buttons inside combustion but the fact that outside of combustion my dps in fire is around 14k on single target. And im not sure, did it supposed to be so with my current gear or i did something wrong. I read around some sites, and many people saying that Fire’s dps is weak outside combustion and truly begins to shine only on 15+, when entire group begins to plan pulls around your combustion. Also versatility on my Fire spec is only 2% and haste is low, so yeah, i definitely need to re-gear into Fire spec’s stats like Haste+Versatility, and then test some more.

Well, you still don’t get it, do you. I guess being new can lead to ignorance, but I hope you’re able to overcome it at some point. Good luck to you.

If your worries about hitting your simmed dps, most your dps comes from your combustion so get it right. Spam fireball when you get heating up cast another fireball and fireblast during the cast. At the end of the fireball cast launch your instant pyro and both hit the target at the same time giving you bouble chance of another proc. In a perfect rotation you only use fireblast inside a fireball rotation.

If you want to do good damage as a fire mage you have some gearing to do. Its so bad its worth playing another spec till you get the gear.

3x blaster master
Mecha bracers
Font trinket
Badge trinket
And good rings
And thats not including benthic

Well it use to be the case a while back that if you play a spec like Fire Mage you give up on pet and slows and therefor would benefit from higher dps as mobs will be on you a lot faster. Frost Mage has never been lacking far behind but when I played Frost Mage I accepted a bit of less dps as I could slow targets and keep my range from melee… BUT as we know Fire Mages were in a pretty bad shape previous expansions and they always got nerfed and especially in PvP Frost Mage was the go to spec… Now in BFA for me it is simply a preference. I used to favour Frost but I can’t stand Frost Mages in BFA as I think Frost bolt does such lame damage and they have changed the spells too much to the point that Frost does not appeal to me. Fire Mages is now for me at least the New Frost Mages with lots of instant casts and procs.

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